HELP GUIDE - ACCESSIBILITY - Flipbook Software Landing Page - Flipbook - Page 13
Some of them want to tell you why...
Abigail Rowlan
Rikke Nielsen
John Markant
Head of Admissions
IT & Systems Manager
Paperturn is the only flipbook
provider to finally enter the
market with an ADA compliant
solution we can use - not only that
we can use, but that our disabled
students love. Finally, a product to
look forward to when they're
using the internet.
Europe's new requirements for
Disability Compliant SaaS
products put Paperturn on our
radar. Their solution is userfriendly and incredibly
intuitive... not to mention the
fast, reliable customer support
- icing on the cake!
We reached out to Paperturn to
ensure that our legal risk for
disability compliance would be
eliminated if we chose them as a
flipbook solution. They quickly
satisfied that requirement and
provided us with a great product
for our digital needs.