NON-PROFIT REPORT - Flipbook - Page 13
Patterson Graff Educational Fund
Created by Sue Graff
I am honored and grateful to have received
I am honored to have been able to provide a
the Patterson Graff Educational Fund
scholarship for a deserving young woman in
Scholarship. This award has allowed me to
our community. Being able to assist someone
attend the best school for my education
in meeting their educational goals is of critical
and inspired me to continue to give back
importance to us all. My hope is that the
by volunteering while in school. With this
Patterson Graff fund will play a role in Sarah
scholarship, I am able to work towards a
attaining her dream. – Sue Graff, Donor
bachelor’s degree and become dually certified
as an x-ray and MRI technologist, which will
give me a strong launch into my career.
– Sarah Becker, Awardee
Boomer Harsh Memorial Scholarship
Created by Meg Harsh, Alva & Don Harsh
...Beyond the financial aspect, I also had the opportunity of connecting with some amazing
people throughout my scholarship journey. I loved the opportunity to meet my scholarship
donor, along with their family and the staff of the Community Foundation, and to establish a
relationship with them. It is so amazing seeing our small community come together and support
local students who have goals of earning a degree. Overall, the scholarship has empowered
me to pursue my academic and career goals with confidence and determination, and I am
immensely grateful for the life-changing opportunities it has offered me.
– Grace Caudell, Awardee
It is very gratifying to have been able to
establish a lasting memorial to our son/
husband. Knowing that this fund will, in
perpetuity, help future generations of
Washington County youth achieve their
educational goals provides us with a measure
of comfort and an ongoing tribute to our
beloved son/husband.
– Meg Harsh, Alva & Don Harsh, Donors