4 Simple Daily
rituals successful
entrepreneurs use
To eliminaTe money anxieTy Forever
Imagine a day when you never have to worry about money again.
Writer: Thembi Buthelezi
magine a day when you didn’t wake
up at 3 am with money sweats,
a day where you didn’t worry
about how you were going to
pay for your children’s school
fees, a day where you didn’t
worry about how you were
going to make rent, bond
payments, cell phone
payments or even payroll.
If you experienced the latter –
Welcome to Your Mind. What
you have experienced is not
unique to you only. 98% of
the human population has
also experienced this. You.
Are. Not. Alone. Don’t
judge or beat yourself
up, just be aware.
As a species, we are all
led to believe that we
are in control of our
minds, but in fact, our
minds control us. Our
thoughts and subsequent
emotional reactions are
what determine whether
we become wealthy or stay in
financial struggle and money anxiety.
Just for a moment sit in a
comfortable chair, close your
eyes and daydream with me.
Wait, before you close your
eyes, make sure you take the
following mental prompts so you
can make your daydreaming session
1. Close your eyes relax into your chair and
do not think about money.
2. Don’t think about what bills are due.
3. For 5 minutes, allow your mind to go into
a relaxed state of bliss, where instead of
worrying, you are dreaming of what your
life can look and feel like when your money
worries cease.
If you really want to get the most out of this
assignment, take your cell phone and time yourself.
Don’t worry; I’ll wait for you to complete the
Ok, welcome back. I hope you enjoyed your quiet,
focused time and that you also noticed a few
things about your mind.
As soon as I suggested you internalize the
following mental prompts:
• Don’t think about your money worries
• Don’t think about the bills that are due
• Just allow your mind to relax and permit
yourself to dream
Instead of following the instructions I suggested,
your mind went straight to your problems. Within
a space of 45 seconds, your mind was wandering,
looking for money problems to solve. Your mind
went on a shopping spree. Next, your mind went
into fear because you couldn’t figure out how you
were going to pay for all your bills.
The World Health Organization (WHO) sited
that, “at a global level, over 300 million people are
estimated to suffer from depression and anxiety;
this is equivalent to 4.4% of the world’s population.”
At the root of our anxiety and depression is the
simple drive to have our basics needs met.
Unfortunately, our thoughts and feelings around
money run the show.
It was the American psychologist, Abraham
Maslow, who discovered the human needs theory,
Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs. Over the years we
have comfortably adopted his philosophy and it
has become our social norm. While I appreciate
pioneers like Maslow, through trial and error, I’ve
found that it’s never the money that makes us