there . . . He tapped the speaker icon and turned down the volume. Soft,
quiet music filled the room. He laid back and closed his eyes.
Ah, waves . . . I love the sound of waves . . . My only prayer is to be
found by you, whoever you are. To walk the long, winding road of endless love—candlelight everywhere . . . I hate endings and perilous edges.
I like feeling safe . . . I love to love . . . I love being loved just as I am.
The pilot’s low, husky voice floated through the air. Thank God,
thought K, only one more hour to go . . . I wish I could sleep while I’m
high above the clouds—the Earth, lost in the mist below me—but it’s
never been my thing. I hope the beach house isn’t too far from Seoul—
I’d love to fall into bed as soon as we touch down.
She looked at Temma—one seat over, sound asleep. She laughed to
herself . . . That woman can sleep anywhere, any time; then jump up,
totally refreshed, and serve you tea. She gets the badge of honor for
seemingly endless flights at ungodly hours. Dear, sweet Temma—what
would I ever do without you?
She reached into her carry-on and pulled out a book, then put it back.
She looked out the window, then looked away. She looked at her right
foot. She looked at her hands . . . It feels like this is going to be a journey
right up to the edge and over—my favorite kind of journey . . . I love
edges. Golden edges.
Her mind drifted back to the last conversation she’d had before leaving the U.S.—what had Binnie said? A game—he told me to play some
kind of game if I couldn’t sleep on the plane. She thought harder . . .
Something about mentally running through all the things you know are
absolutely true about yourself and, if you do it right, it’s supposed to
help you sleep.
Let’s see . . . I love my life. I love mountains. And water. And sky. I
love how morning feels. I love music. And moonlight. And wildflowers.
I love an empty page—no margins—a canvas for sublime thoughts. I
love stirring tea. And poetic moments. I let go easily, but I can hold on
if I have to . . . I love solitude. And silence. And space. I also love sharing solitude and silence and space. The great merging of notoriously