10 Other
18. It is the responsibility of both clubs to have available on match days the electronic subs琀椀tute board
provided by the League, for use by the personnel within their own technical area. The boards must
be used for all subs琀椀tu琀椀ons to indicate both the number of the player being subs琀椀tuted as well as the
number of the subs琀椀tute player who is the replacement. Any breach of this direc琀椀ve to be reported to
the League and a sanc琀椀on will be imposed.
19. It is the League policy that all par琀椀cipants should be no琀椀昀椀ed of the number of minutes ‘added 琀椀me’
that the referee has determined to play in addi琀椀on to normal 琀椀me, both at the end of the 昀椀rst half and
at the end of the game (including both periods of extra 琀椀me if required in cup games). This should be
indicated by a member of the home club technical area or o昀케cial holding up the electronic subs琀椀tute
board displaying the number of minutes added. The board should be clearly displayed to the players
and spectators etc.
The match referee is required to advise members of the home club technical area, either directly or via
the assistant referee opera琀椀ng on the side of the technical area, of the number of minutes to be added
at the end of each period. The home club then have the responsibility to ensure that one of their
nominated representa琀椀ves in the technical area, or club o昀케cial, is clearly aware that they are required
to display the appropriate number via the electronic subs琀椀tute board at the 琀椀me of being advised by
the match o昀케cial of the number of minutes added.
In conjunc琀椀on with the ‘added 琀椀me’ indicator being raised, it is recommended that the home club
announce over the P.A. system that there will be a minimum of (x) number of minutes to be added.
Any problems in carrying out this procedure must be reported by the match referee to the General
20. Each away club must advise their opponents, in accordance with published League detailed
instruc琀椀on, of the club o昀케cers who will be a琀琀ending a game no later than 17:00 hrs the day before
any 昀椀xture. When advising the host club there must be an indica琀椀on if the club o昀케cer will require
boardroom access in accordance with item 10. Home clubs must respect a maximum of 10 listed
names but may as a reciprocal agreement allow a higher number access to the ground.
21. League Sponsors and League O昀케cials will be issued with Pass Cards. The Pass Card will allow the
bearer into all grounds within the Northern Premier League.
22. The League requires all member clubs to have ONE contact point (normally the Club Secretary) to
whom all correspondence will be addressed.
23. Shirts must be numbered 1 to 11 and subs琀椀tute shirts 12 to 16 (or 17 where 13 is excluded). In some
circumstances the League may, on request, approve the use of numbers 1-20 in accordance with FA
24. Subject to any proposed new venue having achieved the required ground grade and subject to the
approval of the League Management Commi琀琀ee, clubs will be permi琀琀ed to move grounds and playing
surfaces from grass to football turf pitch (3G) or vice versa during the current season by a deadline
date determined by the board in each case.
25. The use of any mul琀椀-ball system is not permi琀琀ed. Match balls must not be held or placed around the
edge of the pitch. When a ball leaves the 昀椀eld of play, a new ball must be provided from the dugout
26. Players / Management and coaching sta昀昀 must observe the footwear requirements when playing
at a ground with an ATP. The home club can refuse access to the playing surface where the correct
footwear is not worn that could cause damage to the surface. No blades, dimpled or 昀氀at soled shoes