09 Appendix G
Where a Club fails to a琀琀ain the relevant grade by 31 March in a Playing Season, it will not be eligible
for promo琀椀on or to par琀椀cipate in any Play O昀昀 Match in that Playing Season and will be relegated
to the Step immediately below at the end of the Playing Season (save for where that Club also fails
to meet the ground grading criteria applicable for the Step immediately below, in which case the
Commi琀琀ee shall decide (at its sole discre琀椀on) where to place the Club for the following Playing
Clubs promoted from Feeder Leagues must install 昀氀oodlights in working order by 30th September
following promo琀椀on. Failure to do this will result in a sanc琀椀on being imposed at the discre琀椀on of the
League of which the Club is a member. If by 31st March in the year following promo琀椀on the 昀氀oodlights
are s琀椀ll not installed then the Club will be a relegated Club and be dealt with accordingly.
5.9 If a Club is relegated for not achieving the required Grade for the Step at which it is playing it will not
be eligible for promo琀椀on again un琀椀l it has a琀琀ained the required Grade for the Step to which it wishes
to be promoted. The Club must have that Grade at 31st March in the year in which it seeks promo琀椀on.
5.10 Where a Club resigns from a League that Club will not be eligible for promo琀椀on for at least one Playing
Season following the Season in which it resigned.
5.11 In the event of any ques琀椀on arising regarding the interpreta琀椀on of these Regula琀椀ons it will be decided
by The Associa琀椀on in its sole discre琀椀on.
6.1 Movement of a Club from par琀椀cipa琀椀on in one League to another is not permi琀琀ed other than by
promo琀椀on and relega琀椀on or otherwise as set out in these Regula琀椀ons or League Rules save with the
approval of the Commi琀琀ee.
It may be necessary from 琀椀me to 琀椀me to move Clubs laterally at the same Step. Each year the
Commi琀琀ee (or sub-commi琀琀ee thereof) will consider whether any lateral movements may be necessary
at each Step and the 昀椀nal decision shall rest with the Commi琀琀ee / sub-commi琀琀ee. Only a Club subject
to lateral movement from one League to another may appeal that decision pursuant to Regula琀椀on
6.2 Any Club wishing to move from one League to another must make an applica琀椀on in wri琀椀ng to the
Commi琀琀ee on or before 31st March in each year to be e昀昀ec琀椀ve for the following Playing Season. In
the event of such applica琀椀on being successful the League from which the Club is moving shall not levy
a 昀椀nancial penalty on that Club.
6.3 (i) If a Club (whether a Members’ Club or a Company) is wound up, liquidated, or is removed from its
League or withdraws from football compe琀椀琀椀on (‘the Former Club’), and a new Club (‘the New Club’)
is established which wishes to be placed within the NLS, it will be allowed to make an applica琀椀on only
to join a League/ division at Step 5 of the NLS unless the Former Club was in either Step 4 or Step
5 when the event which caused it to cease its membership occurred in which case it must re-join
the NLS at a minimum of two Steps below the level at which it was at the 琀椀me the event occurred,
or withdrew from football compe琀椀琀椀on, whichever is lower. Where the Former Club was a member
of Premier League or EFL then the Commi琀琀ee shall at its absolute discre琀椀on determine in which
League the New Club shall be placed for the following Playing Season and will set out at its complete
discre琀椀on the requirements to be met by the New Club.
In order for considera琀椀on to be given to the placement in the NLS of the New Club in the following
Playing Season, an ini琀椀al applica琀椀on must be received by the Commi琀琀ee by 1st March or within
twenty-one days of the Former Club being wound up, liquidated, resigning or being removed from its
League or withdrawing from football compe琀椀琀椀on, if such date is later than 1st March.
The full applica琀椀on accompanied by all necessary documents including evidence of security of tenure
having been granted to the New Club and a昀케lia琀椀on to a County Football Associa琀椀on must be received
by 31st March or within twenty-one days of the Former Club being wound up, liquidated, resigning or
being removed from its League or withdrawing from football compe琀椀琀椀on, if such date is later than 1st
March. The applica琀椀on shall be copied to the League of which membership is being requested. The
applica琀椀on will be determined by the Commi琀琀ee.
In considering any applica琀椀on, the Commi琀琀ee will set out at its sole discre琀椀on the requirements to be
met by the New Club.
In the event of more than one applica琀椀on being received within twenty-one days of the Former Club
being wound up, liquidated, resigning or being removed from its League or withdrawing from football
compe琀椀琀椀on, the Commi琀琀ee will consider at its discre琀椀on which applica琀椀on will be considered in
accordance with this Regula琀椀on.
(ii) If a Club is removed from its League and wishes to remain in the NLS it shall apply to the
Commi琀琀ee within 昀椀ve working days of it receiving wri琀琀en no琀椀昀椀ca琀椀on of its removal from its League.
The Commi琀琀ee will consider such applica琀椀on and will place the Club in what it considers at its sole