Appendix D 09
3.4 The Embargo referred to at paragraphs 3.2 and 3.3 above shall not apply where the Arrears total £500 or
3.5 Any Club that fails to comply with the repor琀椀ng requirements of paragraph 2.7 above shall be subject to a
sanc琀椀on determined by the Board or the Sub-Commi琀琀ee detailed in Sec琀椀on 4.
3.6 In the event of a Club breaching any of the requirements of this Rule, and being found guilty of
Misconduct, the Board reserves the right to impose any penalty it deems appropriate, including, but not
limited to, the withholding of central funding to any Club.
4.1 A sub-commi琀琀ee may be duly appointed and authorised by the Board of the Compe琀椀琀椀on to consider and
determine such ma琀琀ers pertaining to the FRI (‘the Sub-Commi琀琀ee’). Such Sub-Commi琀琀ee may comprise
representa琀椀ves of the Board, League execu琀椀ve and any independent person that the Board may deem
4.2 In the event that a Club is subject to an Embargo under the provisions of paragraphs 3.1 to 3.3, the Club
may be required to appear before the Board or Sub-Commi琀琀ee. The Board or Sub-Commi琀琀ee will meet
with the Club not more than 21 days a昀琀er the Sanc琀椀on date at a 琀椀me, date and venue of the Board or
Sub-Commi琀琀ee’s choosing.
4.3 The Sub-Commi琀琀ee, where appointed, shall have the power to recommend to the Board that they
suspend any Embargo imposed under paragraphs 3.1 to 3.3 or make modi昀椀ca琀椀ons or apply any condi琀椀ons
thereto such as they deem appropriate.
5.1. In considering the applica琀椀on of the FRI, the Board or its duly appointed Sub-Commi琀琀ee shall adopt such
procedures and take such ac琀椀on for the determina琀椀on of any ma琀琀er, dispute or di昀昀erence as it considers
5.2. In the event that a Club believes that it is subject to speci昀椀c circumstances that are not re昀氀ected in the
ini琀椀a琀椀ve, they must report these circumstances immediately to the League. Such circumstances may
include, but not be limited to, the following:
- a club not being registered for PAYE/NI or VAT with HMRC;
- a club having an arrangement in place with HMRC to make PAYE/NI and or VAT payments on a basis
other than the standard terms as set out in the relevant legisla琀椀on, regula琀椀ons or guidance in force
from 琀椀me to 琀椀me;
- a club being subject to an HMRC assessment;
- a club having an amount in dispute with HMRC.
In such circumstances, the Board or the Sub-Commi琀琀ee reserves the right to request any necessary
suppor琀椀ng documenta琀椀on and to impose any addi琀椀onal or varied repor琀椀ng requirements on such clubs as
it deems appropriate.
5.3 The Board or Sub-Commi琀琀ee shall have the right to inspect or duly authorise an independent agent or
The FA to inspect the books and records of any Club in assis琀椀ng it in determining ma琀琀ers pertaining to the
5.4 Clubs will have the right to appeal any decision by the Board or Sub-Commi琀琀ee pertaining to the
applica琀椀on of the FRI. Such an appeal will be subject to the condi琀椀ons laid down in Rule 17 of the
5.5 For the avoidance of doubt, any Club that has become a member of the Compe琀椀琀椀on through promo琀椀on,
relega琀椀on or by any other means is required to comply with the provisions of this Rule in its en琀椀rety.