08 Standardised Rules
(i) the Club shall provide a copy of the FIFA Recommended One Star / IATS or Two Star Cer琀椀昀椀cate
within 7 days of receipt to the Compe琀椀琀椀on in which it is in membership.
23.5 Only Clubs with FIFA Quality Pro cer琀椀昀椀ed Football Turf Pitches will be eligible to take part in matches
under the auspices of The Na琀椀onal League at Step 1 & 2 of the Na琀椀onal League System SAVE THAT
a Club which has a ground with the recommended FIFA Quality Cer琀椀昀椀cate installed by 31 July 2016
can be promoted to Step Two of the Na琀椀onal league System providing that it undertakes that upon
renewal of the Pitch the Club will install a Pitch that is awarded a FIFA Quality Pro Cer琀椀昀椀cate or be
relegated to the appropriate Step.
23.6 Without prejudice to the obliga琀椀ons set out in Paragraph 23.3 above, Clubs that have a Football Turf
Pitch shall:(a) such steps and/or refrain from such ac琀椀ons as are necessary to ensure that the Football Turf
Pitch con琀椀nues to meet the requirements for a FIFA Quality Cer琀椀昀椀cate or Quality Pro Cer琀椀昀椀cate
(as applicable) at all 琀椀mes during each Playing Season including, without limita琀椀on, complying with all
requirements of the FIFA Quality Standard;
(b) where required to undertake Pitch Tests:
(i) procure that the FIFA accredited 昀椀eld test ins琀椀tute undertaking any Pitch Test provides to The
Compe琀椀琀椀on a copy of their o昀케cial reports to FIFA immediately following comple琀椀on of the Pitch Test;
(ii) provide a copy of the FIFA Quality Cer琀椀昀椀cate or Quality Pro Cer琀椀昀椀cate by 31st May prior to the
commencement of each Playing Season (as applicable); and
(c) co-operate with all reasonable requests made by the Compe琀椀琀椀on, the Associa琀椀on or FIFA for the
performance of the Football Turf Pitch to be measured.
23.7 Where the Board is aware, by whatever reason, a Football Turf Pitch fails to meet the requirements of
the FIFA Quality Cer琀椀昀椀cate or Quality Pro Cer琀椀昀椀cate (as applicable), including following any Pitch Test,
the Club shall forthwith, at its cost, take such steps as the Board shall specify to ensure the Football
Turf Pitch is restored to the requirements of the FIFA Quality Cer琀椀昀椀cate or Quality Pro Cer琀椀昀椀cate (as
23.8 The Compe琀椀琀椀on shall have the right to order the postponement of a match where the Football Turf
Pitch fails to meet the requirements of the FIFA Quality Cer琀椀昀椀cate or Quality Pro Cer琀椀昀椀cate (as
23.9 Where a Club has a Football Turf Pitch, any visi琀椀ng Club is allowed to train, at no cost to that Club, on
the Football Turf Pitch on the day before the relevant match or at a mutually agreed 琀椀me. The length
of this training session may not exceed one hour, unless agreed otherwise with the home Club. The
visi琀椀ng Club must no琀椀fy the home Club of its inten琀椀on to exercise this right no later than 2 weeks
prior to the scheduled match (or within 48 hours of the arrangement of the 昀椀xture, if later).
23.10 A breach of any of the requirements of Rule 23 which results in the postponement or abandonment of
a match shall be dealt with in accordance with Rule 8.39.
23.11 Pitch Protec琀椀on
In order to protect any Pitch, unless otherwise mutually agreed between both par琀椀cipa琀椀ng Clubs, the
following procedures shall be adopted by Players and O昀케cials in the periods immediately before and
a昀琀er a Match and at half 琀椀me:
(a) the Pitch shall only be used for warming up or warming down by Players named on the Team Sheet;
(b) pre-match warming up by either team shall not commence un琀椀l 45 minutes before the kick-o昀昀 琀椀me
at the earliest, shall not last for more than 30 minutes, and shall end no later than 10 minutes before
the kick-o昀昀 琀椀me;
(c) if portable goals are provided they shall be used for all goalkeeping drills other than crossing
(d) the goalmouth area shall be used by goalkeepers only if portable goals are not provided or for
crossing prac琀椀ce and then only for not more than 20 minutes;
(e) for the purposes of warming up and warming down each team shall use only part of the Pitch
between the edge of a penalty area and the half way line or as otherwise directed by the groundsman;
(f) all speed and stamina work shall be undertaken o昀昀 the Pitch parallel to the touchline opposite the
side to be patrolled by the assistant referee or, in the absence of su昀케cient space, in that part of the
Pitch described in paragraph (e) above or as otherwise directed by the groundsman;
(g) Players using the Pitch at half 琀椀me as aforesaid shall give due considera琀椀on to any other ac琀椀vity or
entertainment taking place on the Pitch at the same 琀椀me;
(h) the Home Club may water the Pitch at half 琀椀me provided it gives reasonable no琀椀ce to the referee
and the other Club that it intends to do so and that any such watering is carried out evenly over the
en琀椀re length and width of the Pitch; and
(i) any warming down a昀琀er the conclusion of the Match shall last for no longer than 15 minutes and for
that purpose neither penalty area shall be used.