08 Standardised Rules
(a) Undertakings to be given by Club Employees
All Clubs must incorporate in any contracts of employment with their employees, including Player,
an undertaking on the part of the employee not to bring The Compe琀椀琀椀on or any Club into disrepute
and an undertaking on the part of the employee not knowingly to do anything or omit to do anything
which will cause the Club to be in breach of the Laws of the Game, the Rules of The Football
Associa琀椀on or the Rules of the Compe琀椀琀椀on.
Without prejudice to the generality of this rule, all Clubs must ensure they, and where appropriate any
O昀케cers of the Club, comply with the obliga琀椀ons of The Football Associa琀椀on’s Owners’ and Directors’
(b) Misconduct in pre-arranging the result of matches.
Any Club, O昀케cial or Player o昀昀ering or receiving a payment or any form of inducement to or from any
Club or the O昀케cial or Player of any Club; or any Club, O昀케cial or Player receiving or seeking to receive
any payment or other form of inducement from any other person or organisa琀椀on to win, lose, or draw
a Match under the jurisdic琀椀on of the Compe琀椀琀椀on or in which the Club par琀椀cipates by reason of
membership of the Compe琀椀琀椀on shall be deemed guilty of misconduct.
(c) (c)
Any person charged and found guilty of bringing the Compe琀椀琀椀on into disrepute and
any Club, O昀케cer or Member charged and found guilty of misconduct as de昀椀ned by the Board or of
inducing or a琀琀emp琀椀ng to induce a player of another Club to join his own Club shall be liable to such
penalty as the Board shall deem appropriate.
The The Company shall present to the Winners of all divisions in the Compe琀椀琀椀on 20 souvenirs, for
the Players, for the secretary, team manager and for assistant and coaching sta昀昀. Addi琀椀onal souvenirs
cannot be presented except by consent of the Board, and then at the expense of the reques琀椀ng Club.
In addi琀椀on, a Compe琀椀琀椀on championship trophy will be presented as and when the Board determine.
The Clubs concerned will also receive a permanent souvenir.
The trophies are the property of the Company and may never be won outright. A runners’ up trophy
and medals may also be awarded at the discre琀椀on of the Company.
The recipient Club shall be responsible for engraving their details on the trophy before returning same.
The following agreement shall be signed on behalf of the winners of the trophies:
“We, A.B. the
Football Club, C.D. and E.F members of and represen琀椀ng the said
Club, having been declared winners of the [
] TTrophy and the same having been
delivered to us by the said Compe琀椀琀椀on, do hereby on behalf of the said Club, jointly and severally
agree to return the same to the Compe琀椀琀椀on Secretary, on or before 1st March next in good order and
condi琀椀on, suitably inscribed, in accordance with the Rules of the Compe琀椀琀椀on and if the said Trophy
is lost or damaged whilst under our care, we agree to refund to the Compe琀椀琀椀on the amount of its
current value or the cost of its thorough repair.”
Any Club not returning the Compe琀椀琀椀on trophy by the due date, returning them in poor condi琀椀on or
without being engraved will be 昀椀ned .
No altera琀椀on to the Rules shall be made un琀椀l they have been approved by The FA. Altera琀椀ons to Rules
shall be approved at a general mee琀椀ng of the Company in accordance with ar琀椀cle 26 of the Ar琀椀cles of
Associa琀椀on of the Company.
Proposals for altera琀椀ons to Rules, together with the name of their proposers and seconders, shall be
received by the Compe琀椀琀椀on Secretary not later than 30th November prior to the date 昀椀xed for the
Annual General Mee琀椀ng of the Company in each year or not later than eight weeks before the holding
of an Extraordinary General Mee琀椀ng called for the purpose of amending the Rules.
The minimum charge for admission to all matches shall be determined from 琀椀me to 琀椀me by the Board.
Admission charges must be the same for home and visi琀椀ng supporters at Compe琀椀琀椀on matches for
equivalent accommoda琀椀on. If there is no equivalent accommoda琀椀on, the Board may in its absolute
discre琀椀on consider the changes set by the home Club and determine a reasonable equivalent
admission charge for visi琀椀ng supporters, which shall be implemented by the home Club un琀椀l the end
of the current Playing Season.
Clubs may, with the wri琀琀en permission of the Board, have a maximum of three Compe琀椀琀椀on Match
days each Playing Season during which they can vary general admission charges for adults including
allowing free admission.
Concessionary admission charges or pricing policies for disabled people and their carers / helpers,
senior ci琀椀zens, students, children, unemployed, armed forces etc., if available for home supporters,
must be o昀昀ered on a similar basis to visi琀椀ng supporters.