07 Ar琀椀cles of Associa琀椀on
18.1 The O昀케cers of the Compe琀椀琀椀on shall be removed and appointed from 琀椀me to 琀椀me by the Commi琀琀ee
Members. No O昀케cer of the Compe琀椀琀椀on shall be en琀椀tled to vote on any resolu琀椀on rela琀椀ng to his own
removal or appointment or to the removal or appointment of any other O昀케cer of the Compe琀椀琀椀on.
Notwithstanding the fact that they may be removed and appointed at any 琀椀me under the provisions
of these Ar琀椀cles, the Chairman and Vice Chairman shall re琀椀re at the commencement of the 昀椀rst full
mee琀椀ng of the Management Commi琀琀ee following each annual general mee琀椀ng of the company,
and the elected members present shall immediately therea昀琀er appoint a new Chairman and Vice
Chairman, prior to the transac琀椀on of any other business. The re琀椀ring Chairman and Vice Chairman
shall be eligible for re-appointment, should they be willing to hold O昀케ce. Nomina琀椀ons for the O昀케ces
of Chairman and Vice Chairman shall require a proposer and seconder from the elected members
present. Where more than one nomina琀椀on is received, the appointments shall be determined by a poll
18.2 The Chairman may be selected from the members of the Management Commi琀琀ee appointed under
Ar琀椀cle 19 to be the Chairman with the power to vote. Any person who is Chairman and also an
elected member of the Management Commi琀琀ee appointed under Ar琀椀cle 19 shall automa琀椀cally cease
to be Chairman on his ceasing to hold o昀케ce as an elected member of the Management Commi琀琀ee.
18.3 Any person who is an O昀케cer of the Compe琀椀琀椀on shall cease to be the holder of such o昀케ce:
18.3.1 if he shall resign such o昀케ce by no琀椀ce in wri琀椀ng to the Company; or
18.3.2 if he is removed from such o昀케ce by a resolu琀椀on of the Company in General Mee琀椀ng; or
18.3.3 if he is removed from such o昀케ce by a resolu琀椀on of the Members.
19.1 With the excep琀椀on of the Chairman, Vice Chairman, Company Secretary, League General Manager,
Designated League O昀케cer, Treasurer, Non A昀케liated members and up to 11 Club Representa琀椀ves
(which may include the Chairman, Vice Chairman, Company Secretary and Treasurer) and up to 2
non-a昀케liated members, no person who is not a director of or a member of the board of directors
or management commi琀琀ee of a Club in membership of the Compe琀椀琀椀on shall be eligible to hold
o昀케ce as a Commi琀琀ee Member. The Commi琀琀ee Members (with the excep琀椀on of the O昀케cers of the
Compe琀椀琀椀on) shall be such individuals as shall be appointed or re-appointed by ordinary resolu琀椀on (on
a poll vote) of the Company in accordance with this Ar琀椀cle 19.
19.2 At each annual general mee琀椀ng one third of the Commi琀琀ee Members (other than, League General
Manager, and Designated League O昀케cer and, unless they are also elected Management Commi琀琀ee
members appointed under this Ar琀椀cle 19, the Chairman, Company Secretary and Treasurer) or, if their
number is not a mul琀椀ple of three, the number nearest to one third, shall re琀椀re from o昀케ce. The League
General Manager, and Designated League O昀케cer and, unless they are also elected members of the
Management Commi琀琀ee, the Chairman, Company Secretary and Treasurer shall not be subject to
re琀椀rement by rota琀椀on.
19.3 The Commi琀琀ee Members to re琀椀re by rota琀椀on at any annual general mee琀椀ng shall be those subject to
re琀椀rement by rota琀椀on who have been longest in o昀케ce since their last appointment or re-appointment.
As between persons who became or were last appointed Commi琀琀ee Members on the same day, those
to re琀椀re shall be determined by lot.
19.4 If the Company, at the mee琀椀ng at which a Commi琀琀ee Member re琀椀res, does not 昀椀ll the vacancy the
re琀椀ring Commi琀琀ee Member shall, if willing to act, be deemed to have been reappointed unless at
the mee琀椀ng it is resolved not to 昀椀ll the vacancy or unless a resolu琀椀on for the reappointment of the
Commi琀琀ee Member is put to the mee琀椀ng and lost.
19.5 Subject as hereina昀琀er provided, no person other than a Commi琀琀ee Member re琀椀ring shall be appointed
or reappointed a Commi琀琀ee Member at any annual general mee琀椀ng unless he is proposed by a
member and seconded by a second member by no琀椀ce in wri琀椀ng to the League General Manager on or
before the 15th May prior to the annual general mee琀椀ng in ques琀椀on and accompanying such no琀椀ce is
a no琀椀ce executed by the person proposed sta琀椀ng his willingness to be appointed or reappointed as a
Commi琀琀ee Member.
19.6 Not less than fourteen clear days before the date appointed for holding an annual general mee琀椀ng
no琀椀ce shall be given to all who are en琀椀tled to receive no琀椀ce of the mee琀椀ng of any person who is
recommended for appointment or reappointment as a Commi琀琀ee Member at the mee琀椀ng or in
respect of whom no琀椀ce has been duly given to the Company of the inten琀椀on to propose him at the
mee琀椀ng for appointment or reappointment as a Commi琀琀ee Member.