Appendix H 09
11. Any event being a breach of any Compe琀椀琀椀on Rule (including but not limited to the late delivery of a
FRI form) which may give rise to the imposi琀椀on of an Embargo, shall give the Board the right to impose
that Embargo with immediate e昀昀ect. The Board will in any event procure that a wri琀琀en request for a
personal hearing in respect of such a decision will be heard within 7 days of receipt of the request from
the Club, notwithstanding the Club’s immediate right of Appeal in accordance with Rule 17.4. Pending
any such request for a personal hearing, or any subsequent appeal to The Football Associa琀椀on, the
Embargo will remain in place.
12. In the event of an Embargo being imposed pursuant to any breaches of the FRI regula琀椀ons then
the Embargo will not be li昀琀ed un琀椀l 7 days a昀琀er full compliance by the Embargoed Club with the FRI
regula琀椀ons in force from 琀椀me to 琀椀me.
13. In the event of any Club failing to comply fully with any agreement with HMRC, whether formal or
informal, or the terms of any CVA then apart from any other obliga琀椀ons and penal琀椀es within these
Rules and Regula琀椀ons it shall be obliged to inform the Compe琀椀琀椀on forthwith of such failure or
contraven琀椀on and the defaul琀椀ng Club shall be placed under an immediate embargo. If the Club fails to
advise the Compe琀椀琀椀on upon becoming aware of such an event then it shall be subject to such penalty
as the Board may impose in its en琀椀re discre琀椀on including but not limited to deduc琀椀on of points, 昀椀nes,
suspension and expulsion.
Correct at 琀椀me of publishing
Appendix J 09
Regula琀椀ons For the Conduct of Business at mee琀椀ngs of the League.
Rules of Debate.
1. Each member on speaking shall rise and address the Chairman and his speech must be relevant to the
issue. The ques琀椀on of relevance shall be decided by the Chairman. If two or more members shall rise to
speak at the same 琀椀me, the Chairman shall decide who has priority to speak.
2. When the Chairman rises to speak no one shall con琀椀nue standing or speaking un琀椀l the Chair has been
3. A member shall not speak more than once on any mo琀椀on, amendment, or point of order except by
permission of the Chairman or by leave of the mee琀椀ng, subject to the right of reply to the mover of the
original mo琀椀on.
4. The mover of every original resolu琀椀on or mo琀椀on shall have the right to reply to objec琀椀ons or queries
raised against the resolu琀椀on or mo琀椀on.
5. Any mo琀椀on or amendment once made and seconded shall not be altered or withdrawn without the
consent of the Chairman or mee琀椀ng without discussion.
6. When an amendment is moved on a proposi琀椀on, no further amendment shall be moved un琀椀l the 昀椀rst is
disposed of, but any number of amendments may be brought forward in succession. If an amendment
is a昀케rmed, it shall form the proposi琀椀on under considera琀椀on, whereupon further amendments can be
moved. The mover of the amendment which is a昀케rmed shall be en琀椀tled to speak in reply in the event of
further amendments being proposed.
7. An amendment shall be either: a) To leave out words
b) To insert words
c) To omit words in order to insert others
8. No member shall be permi琀琀ed to move or second more than two amendments on any mo琀椀on.
9. Members will be allowed up to a maximum 琀椀me of 昀椀ve minutes to speak on any mo琀椀on of amendment or
points of order, except with the permission of the Chairman.
10. The decision of the Chairman upon any point of order shall be 昀椀nal.