09 Appendix H
Embargo means a ban on a Club signing, re-signing, exercising an op琀椀on to sign, extending a contract,
conver琀椀ng a loan into a permanent transfer, conver琀椀ng a short term loan into a long term loan, loaning or
seeking in any way to register a player whether on a contractual or non-contractual basis or as an amateur,
trainee, academy, work experience or schoolboy associate other than within any of the Embargo Terms
and Exemp琀椀ons hereina昀琀er contained.
“Embargoed Club”
means any Club subject to an Embargo
Embargo Terms and Exemp琀椀ons
1. Prior to the start of the season an Embargoed Club will be permi琀琀ed to sign up to 16 players. The
complement of registra琀椀ons must comprise en琀椀rely non-contract players save that it may include players
under exis琀椀ng wri琀琀en contract, or players listed on the retained list at the end of the previous season
where an op琀椀on has been exercised prior to the implementa琀椀on of the embargo.
2. In the event of the playing squad of any Embargoed Club falling below 16 registered players of whatever
status then any of its then exis琀椀ng registered players who is the subject of a short term loan agreement
may have that agreement renewed/extended up to the maximum permi琀琀ed period of 93days.
3. In 琀琀he event of any Embargoed Club having more than 16 registered players then subject to the
excep琀椀ons hereina昀琀er contained no short term loans may be renewed or extended.
4. In the event of any Embargoed Club having its playing squad fall below 16 registered players and where
none of the registered players are on short term loans then the Embargoed Club shall be en琀椀tled to sign
and register a su昀케cient number of non-contract players to bring the total of its squad up to 16.
5. An Embargoed Club shall in any event not be en琀椀tled to change the status of any of its registered players
without the prior permission of the Board nor shall it be en琀椀tled to engage any new player under the
permi琀琀ed exemp琀椀ons, on terms be琀琀er than those of any player whose departure gave rise to the right to
sign any other player.
6. An Embargoed Club shall not be permi琀琀ed to improve the exis琀椀ng terms of any its registered players.
7. In the event of an Embargoed Club having a squad of 16 or less players, of whatever status, sa琀椀sfying the
Compe琀椀琀椀on that any of those players have a long term injury (for this purpose a long term injury shall
mean an injury supported by sa琀椀sfactory medical evidence which may either be a medical cer琀椀昀椀cate from
the players own Doctor or a le琀琀er signed by either a State Registered Physiotherapist or a Member of the
Chartered Ins琀椀tute of Physiotherapists sta琀椀ng that the player or players will be unavailable for selec琀椀on
for a period of not less than 14 days) then it shall be en琀椀tled to sign a replacement player or players as the
case may be on a non contract basis but subject to the provisions of Clause 5 hereof and for a period not
to exceed the cer琀椀昀椀ca琀椀on of the long term injury or injuries. A new player registered under this clause
must not be nominated on the Team Sheet for any match at the same 琀椀me as the player he has been
signed to replace, and must not be engaged on more favourable terms than the player he has been signed
to replace.
8. Where the number of eligible players falls below 11, or 11 excluding a goalkeeper, due to suspensions, a
Club may make applica琀椀on to the Board to sign non-contract player(s) to ensure a team of 11, including a
goalkeeper, can be 昀椀elded.
9. In the event of an Embargoed Club having no 昀椀t goalkeeper (again as evidenced by medical cer琀椀昀椀cates)
then it shall be en琀椀tled to register a goalkeeper for an ini琀椀al maximum period of 28 days. A goalkeeper
registered under this clause must not be nominated on the Team Sheet for any match at the same 琀椀me as
the goalkeeper he has been signed to replace, and must not be engaged on more favourable terms than
the goalkeeper he has been signed to replace.
10. In any event if an Embargoed Club’s squad falls below 16 because of excep琀椀onal circumstances then it
shall have the right to make a wri琀琀en applica琀椀on to the Board of the Compe琀椀琀椀on for its consent to sign
su昀케cient players to bring the number of its squad up to 16 and the Board ac琀椀ng in the interest of the
integrity of the Compe琀椀琀椀on shall have the right at its absolute discre琀椀on to permit the Embargoed Club to
sign su昀케cient players on non-contract or short term loans to bring the number of its playing squad up to
16 昀椀t players applying the criteria set out in the Exemp琀椀ons above.