Appendix G 09
discre琀椀on to be the most appropriate League/division for the following Playing Season.
6.4 If a Club (whether a Members’ Club or a Company) ceases to be a member of its league and that Club
(that is not a New Club as de昀椀ned at 6.3 above) wishes to be placed within the NLS for the immediately
following Playing Season, then unless otherwise determined by the Commi琀琀ee, it may be allowed to make
an applica琀椀on to join a League/division below the most recent League/division of which the Club was a
In order for considera琀椀on to be given to the placement in the NLS by the Club in the immediately
following Playing Season, an ini琀椀al applica琀椀on must be received by the Commi琀琀ee in accordance with the
procedures set out at 6.3 above. The applica琀椀on shall be copied to the League of which membership is
being requested. The applica琀椀on will be determined by the Commi琀琀ee at its absolute discre琀椀on.
In considering any applica琀椀on, the Commi琀琀ee will set out at its sole discre琀椀on the requirements to be met
by the Club in determining whether to approve the applica琀椀on.
6.5 If two or more Clubs (“the Merging Clubs”) are proposing a transac琀椀on or series of transac琀椀ons that result
in the merging or consolida琀椀on (“the Proposed Merger”) of those Clubs into one Club (“the Merged Club”)
then a formal applica琀椀on to do so must be received by the Commi琀琀ee and the league(s) of which the
Merging Clubs are members by 31st December to be valid for the following Playing Season.
A Deed of Agreement, which shall be legally binding on all par琀椀es must be submi琀琀ed to The Associa琀椀on
by 31st March in the year immediately following receipt of the applica琀椀on. The Commi琀琀ee shall determine
at its absolute discre琀椀on where the Merged Club is to be included in the NLS for the following Playing
Season subject to the provisions of item 6.5.5 below.
In arriving at its decision the Commi琀琀ee may apply the following minimum criteria:
6.5.1 The requirements of Standardised Rule 2.9 for the current Playing Season must be met by each of the
Merging Clubs. If one or more of the Merging Clubs is subject to an insolvency event then Standardised
Rule 2.9.2 shall be applied to such club(s), otherwise Standardised Rule 2.9.1 shall be applied;
6.5.2 The proposed playing name of the Merged Club must be acceptable to the Commi琀琀ee; and
6.5.3 The Merged Club must have security of tenure to a ground that meets the relevant ground grading
6.5.4 Any other criteria that the Commi琀琀ee may from 琀椀me to 琀椀me deem to be appropriate;
6.5.5 The Merged Club will ordinarily be placed at the lower of the Steps at which the Merging Clubs ended the
Playing Season in which the applica琀椀on is made. For the purposes of this Regula琀椀on, if one of the Merging
Clubs has 昀椀nished that Playing Season in a relega琀椀on place, then they will be deemed to have ended
the Playing Season at the Step to which they would have been relegated without the Proposed Merger
Any decision regarding whether a proposed transac琀椀on or series of transac琀椀ons falls to be considered
under this Regula琀椀on shall be determined by the Commi琀琀ee at its absolute discre琀椀on.
7.1 Usually a club can only enter the NLS at Step 6 via a Feeder League. However a League may seek approval
from the Commi琀琀ee to receive a club or team not currently in membership of a League within the NLS
provided that there is: (a) excep琀椀onal circumstances, (b) a vacancy within its cons琀椀tu琀椀on, (c) the club
meets the entry criteria and (d) promo琀椀on and relega琀椀on issues have been sa琀椀s昀椀ed. Such request must
be received from the league by no later than 1st February. Any decision shall only be capable of Appeal to
The Associa琀椀on by the a昀昀ected League.
7.2 Reserve teams, including a team from a club or Club which is not considered by the Commi琀琀ee to be
su昀케ciently separate from another club or Club, will not be permi琀琀ed to compete above Step 6 in the NLS.
There must be a minimum of two Steps between a 昀椀rst and reserve team. This does not apply at Steps 6
and Feeder League level. No two teams from the same Club can play at the same Step.
7.3 Teams from Higher Educa琀椀on or Further Educa琀椀on establishments are not permi琀琀ed to compete above
Step 5. This does not prevent any such establishment forming a Club which complies with all entry criteria
and which is separate from the establishment itself.
7.4 Where a Club moves from one League to another, for whatever reason, the League from which it is being
moved must provide the League to which the Club is being moved with a cer琀椀昀椀cate con昀椀rming that the
Club being moved does not owe any money or other property of any nature to the League from which it
is being moved. The Club being moved cannot compete in its new League un琀椀l such cer琀椀昀椀ca琀椀on has been
provided and the onus will be on the Club being moved to ensure that it has cleared all indebtedness to its
previous League.