Company and shall not be en琀椀tled to any further payment from the Company but may be required to
make payment to the Company.
16.1 All to Rules 16.5 and 16.10 below, all protests, claims or complaints rela琀椀ng to these Rules shall be heard
and determined by the Board (or a sub-commi琀琀ee duly appointed by the Board), which shall have the
power to regulate its own procedure. The Clubs or Players protes琀椀ng, claiming or complaining must send
two copies of such protest, claim or complaint and deposit a fee which shall be forfeited in the event of
the protest, claim or complaint not being upheld, and the unsuccessful party (or par琀椀es) may, in addi琀椀on,
be ordered to pay the costs at the direc琀椀on of the Board.
16.2 All such protests, claims and complaints must be received in wri琀椀ng by the Compe琀椀琀椀on Secretary within
fourteen days of the event or decision to which the protest, claim or complaint relates.
16.3 The Board may compel any party to the protest, claim or complaint to pay such expenses as the Board
shall direct.
16.4 Any appeal against a decision of the Board must be lodged with The FA within fourteen days of the Board
providing wri琀琀en no琀椀昀椀ca琀椀on of its decision, accompanied by the relevant fee which may be forfeited
in the event of the appeal not being upheld. A copy of the appeal must also be sent to the Compe琀椀琀椀on
All appeals to The FA must be lodged in accordance with Part C: Appeals Non-Fast Track of The FA’s
Disciplinary Regula琀椀ons.
Disputes arising from a Player’s Contract Disciplinary Ma琀琀ers
16.5 Within seven days of receipt of any no琀椀ce of a 昀椀ne or suspension imposed by a Club under the Player’s
contract, the Player may appeal that decision to the Board by giving no琀椀ce of appeal to the Club and the
Board. The Board shall have the power to regulate its own procedure and shall hear the appeal within
fourteen days of receipt of the no琀椀ce of appeal. The grounds of appeal available to the Player shall not be
limited and the Board shall have full power to review the facts and any evidence (including hearing from
any relevant witnesses).
16.6 Within seven days of receipt of the Board’s decision, either the Club or the Player may appeal against the
decision of the Board to the Contractual Disputes Tribunal in accordance with the Player Status Rules.
An appeal to the Contractual Disputes Tribunal shall be heard within 14 days of receipt of the no琀椀ce of
further appeal or, if excep琀椀onal circumstances exist which means that the appeal cannot be heard in that
琀椀me frame, it shall be heard as soon as prac琀椀cable. Any reference to the ‘League Appeals Commi琀琀ee’ in
the Player’s contract shall be deemed as a reference to the Contractual Disputes Tribunal.
16.7 A Club, on giving fourteen days’ no琀椀ce to a Player to terminate his Player’s contract, must state in the
no琀椀ce his right of appeal to the Board and also the address of the Compe琀椀琀椀on Secretary to whom he must
appeal. The no琀椀ce must advise the Player of the necessity of forwarding two copies of his appeal with the
deposit fee speci昀椀ed in the Fees Tari昀昀, to the Compe琀椀琀椀on Secretary within seven days of the receipt of the
no琀椀ce from the Club. A copy of such no琀椀ce must be received by the Compe琀椀琀椀on Secretary within seven
days of the sending of the no琀椀ce in order to be valid.
16.8 A Player on giving fourteen days’ no琀椀ce to his Club to terminate his Player’s contract must also no琀椀fy the
Company and The FA of the reasons for the termina琀椀on of the agreement. A copy of such no琀椀ce must be
received by the Compe琀椀琀椀on Secretary within seven days of the sending of the no琀椀ce in order to be valid.
16.9 If the recipient of a no琀椀ce referred to in Rules 16.7 and 16.8 above wishes to do so, he may appeal
against the relevant no琀椀ce to the Board within seven days of the date of receipt of the no琀椀ce in wri琀椀ng
in duplicate to the Compe琀椀琀椀on Secretary with the relevant appeal fee as set out in Schedule A to these
Rules. The Board shall have the power to regulate its own procedure. The grounds of appeal available to
the appellant shall not be limited and the Board shall have full power to review the facts and any evidence
(including hearing from any relevant witnesses).
16.10 Within seven days of receipt of the Board’s decision, either the Club or the Player may appeal against the
decision of the Board to the Contractual Disputes Tribunal in accordance with the Player Status Rules.
An appeal to the Contractual Disputes Tribunal shall be heard within 14 days of receipt of the no琀椀ce of
further appeal or, if excep琀椀onal circumstances exist which means that the appeal cannot be heard in that
琀椀meframe, it shall be heard as soon as prac琀椀cable. Any reference to the ‘League Appeals Commi琀琀ee’ in
the Player’s contract shall be deemed as a reference to the Contractual Disputes Tribunal.