08 Standardised Rules
10.2 The home Club shall retain all gate receipts. Where a match is declared all 琀椀cket the Away Club shall
be en琀椀tled to 10% of the total number of 琀椀ckets available or a minimum of 600, whichever is the
greater, subject to any s琀椀pula琀椀on by the relevant safety authority a昀昀ec琀椀ng these 昀椀gures. A reasonable
alloca琀椀on of the total disabled spectator accommoda琀椀on where appropriate shall be made available to
disabled supporters of the Away Club.
Clubs must ensure that all gate receipts are fully and properly recorded and accounted for in the
accoun琀椀ng records of the club.
Clubs should have a system in opera琀椀on for home games that enables them to accurately report on
the following;
• A record of all 琀椀ckets sold in advance
• A reconcilia琀椀on of cash received by category of entrant through each turns琀椀le
• The number of entrants through each turns琀椀le
• A schedule of the numbers admi琀琀ed to parts of the stadium that do not pass through a turns琀椀le
• A list of complimentary 琀椀ckets authorised
This documenta琀椀on should be reconciled to the overall takings and declared a琀琀endance for each
home game.
10.3 (to 10.8) Na琀椀onal League Only
10.9 All Clubs must comply with The FA’s Third Party Interest in Players Regula琀椀ons.
10.10 For Compe琀椀琀椀on league matches only, the travelling expenses of match o昀케cials shall be pooled,
each Club rendering on the match report details of all payments made. The Company shall, at the
conclusion of the season, divide the total cost of o昀케cials in each division by the total number of Clubs
in that division and where the total payment made by the Club is less than the equal share of the pool,
the Club shall pay the di昀昀erence within 14 days of the date of pos琀椀ng of the wri琀琀en no琀椀昀椀ca琀椀on to
the Club. Where the sum paid by the Club is more than the equal share of the pool, the Club will be
reimbursed from the pool of monies received from all the other Clubs.
10.11 In the event of a transfer of a Player where a considera琀椀on is agreed, the considera琀椀on can only be
paid between the two clubs (the transferor and transferee clubs).
The full name of each contrac琀椀ng club should be stated in the transfer agreement. The full
considera琀椀on involved must be recorded in the accoun琀椀ng records of both clubs.
10.12 Any Club temporarily transferring a Player’s registra琀椀on to another club should invoice the receiving
club in accordance with the terms of the loan agreement. The Player concerned should remain on the
payroll of the Club holding his permanent registra琀椀on for the period of the loan.
10.13 All loans extended to a Club must be documented in full in the accoun琀椀ng records of the Club.
Documenta琀椀on suppor琀椀ng each loan must be retained and should include the following informa琀椀on:• The value of the loan
• The length of the loan
• The interest rate charged, and whether this is 昀椀xed or variable
• Repayment terms
• The full names of the individual or corporate body extending the loan
• The terms in the event of a default on the loan
The document should be signed by two directors, O昀케cers or Execu琀椀ve Commi琀琀ee Members who are
independent of the party extending the loan.
10.14 Within nine months of its accoun琀椀ng reference date, each Club shall submit to the Company a copy
of its full 昀椀nancial statements as presented to its members/shareholders with con昀椀rma琀椀on that the
accounts have been approved at a duly convened general mee琀椀ng.
Where a Club defaults in making any payments to any Football Creditor, the Club shall be subject to
such penalty as the Board may decide, including, but not limited to, an Embargo; a points deduc琀椀on; a
Bond; a suspension; or any combina琀椀on thereof.
12.1 Three points will be awarded for a win at home or away and one point for a drawn match at home or
12.2 At the end of the Playing Season of each compe琀椀琀椀on a table will be compiled showing the playing
record of each Club in each division of the Compe琀椀琀椀on. The playing record of each Club must include
any points deduc琀椀on made by the Compe琀椀琀椀on or by the FA and in any situa琀椀on where points per
game are calculated the calcula琀椀on will be made a昀琀er taking into account the deduc琀椀on of any such