Any Club found to have played an ineligible Player in a match or matches shall have any points gained from
that match or matches deducted from its record, up to a maximum of 12 points, and have levied upon it a
昀椀ne. The Board may also order that such match or matches be replayed on such terms as are decided by
the Board which may also levy penalty points against the Club in default.
The Board may vary its decision in respect of the points gained in circumstances where;
(a) the ineligibility is due to the failure to obtain an Interna琀椀onal Transfer Cer琀椀昀椀cate or
(b) where the ineligibility is related to a change in the Player’s status with the Club for whom he is
registered or
(c) where the Board determined that excep琀椀onal circumstances exist
6.10.1 Subject to clauses 6.10.2 to 6.10.7 and to the Rules and Regula琀椀ons of The FA, a Club may nego琀椀ate a
昀椀nancial arrangement with its Players.
6.10.2 All Players under a wri琀琀en contract must be registered with the Compe琀椀琀椀on and The FA.
6.10.3 All payments and bene昀椀ts due and/or made to the Player must be shown in the contract.
6.10.4 All payments made to Players must be made by the Club and fully recorded in the accoun琀椀ng records of
the Club.
6.10.5 All salaried payments (whether to Contract or Non-Contract Players) must be subject to PAYE and
Na琀椀onal Insurance.
6.10.6 All salary payments due on wri琀琀en Contracts must be stated gross, before PAYE and Na琀椀onal Insurance
6.10.7 Any Players paid expenses should be reimbursed via an expense claim form. The club should retain all
expense records in a format acceptable to the HM Revenue and Customs.
7.1 On or before a date speci昀椀ed by the Company each year, every Club shall no琀椀fy the Compe琀椀琀椀on
Secretary, in wri琀椀ng, of details of their 昀椀rst choice colours for out昀椀eld players and their goalkeeper (shirts,
shorts and socks) and such details shall be printed in the Handbook published by the Company for the
ensuing Playing Season.
The colours registered by each Club shall be worn during the following season when playing at home.
Shirts must be numbered 1 to 20 such that the numbers can be clearly iden琀椀昀椀ed by o昀케cials and
spectators. Striped, hooped or otherwise pa琀琀erned shirts shall have numbers a昀케xed to contras琀椀ng
patches or numbers in a contras琀椀ng colour with bold outline. No changes to the 昀椀rst choice colours or
combina琀椀on of colours shall be permi琀琀ed without the consent of the Board. Subject to the consent of the
Board, each Club is authorised on one occasion per Playing Season to wear an alterna琀椀ve strip in a home
7.2 When playing away from home, clubs must play in colours (shirts, shorts and socks) which are clearly
dis琀椀nguishable from those of their opponents and the Match O昀케cials, in par琀椀cular the goalkeeper must
play in kit clearly dis琀椀nguishable from the colours of the shirts worn by all other Players in the match and
the Match O昀케cials.
Neck aand cu昀昀 rim colours on shirts are not regarded as basic colours for the purpose of this Rule. Subject
to the foregoing a Club may, if it wishes, wear colours not registered with the Compe琀椀琀椀on for away
matches. It is the responsibility of the visi琀椀ng Club to check that their colours will not clash.
The goalkeeper may wear tracksuit trousers acceptable to the Match Referee.
7.3 No shall be permi琀琀ed to register or play in shirts the colour of which is likely to cause confusion with the
out昀椀ts worn by the Match O昀케cials (i.e. black or dark blue).
7.4 The Players’ shirts must be clearly numbered in accordance with the Team Sheet handed to the match
referee before a match and there must be no change of numbers during the match except for a change of
goalkeeper or if permi琀琀ed by the match referee because of a blood injury.
7.5 The Captain shall wear a dis琀椀nguishing armband to indicate his status.
7.6 Both sleeves of the shirts of all Players in matches played under the jurisdic琀椀on of the Company shall carry
a Compe琀椀琀椀on logo as supplied by the Compe琀椀琀椀on on an annual basis if so decided by the Board. When
playing in other compe琀椀琀椀ons the shirts of all Players must include the Compe琀椀琀椀on logo.
Adver琀椀sing must comply with FA Kit and Adver琀椀sing Regula琀椀ons.