08 Standardised Rules
4.7 Except where otherwise men琀椀oned, all communica琀椀ons shall be addressed to the General Manager,
who shall conduct the correspondence of the Compe琀椀琀椀on and keep a record of its proceedings.
4.8 A Club must at all 琀椀mes a琀琀end sa琀椀sfactorily to the business of the Compe琀椀琀椀on and/or the
correspondence of the Compe琀椀琀椀on or Company.
4.9 If a Club is asked to submit a report in rela琀椀on to any alleged viola琀椀on of these Rules it may have
a personal hearing, providing it no琀椀昀椀es its inten琀椀on of such within fourteen days of the date of
no琀椀昀椀ca琀椀on from the Company, or the case will be dealt with in its absence..
4.10 The Board shall have the power to arrange representa琀椀ve matches at their discre琀椀on.
4.11 A match may be played each season between two clubs nominated by the Board. All ma琀琀ers
concerning the match will be decided by the Board.
4.12 In the event of any issue concerning the membership of any Club with the Compe琀椀琀椀on the Board may
require a Bond to be paid by or on behalf of the Club on such terms and for such period as it may in its
en琀椀re discre琀椀on think 昀椀t.
Except with the prior wri琀琀en consent of the Board no person, company or business ins琀椀tu琀椀on
(including insolvency prac琀椀琀椀oners) may at any 琀椀me be interested in more than one Club or in a Club
and any other club playing in a Compe琀椀琀椀on sanc琀椀oned by The FA. The de昀椀ni琀椀on of “interested” shall
be the same as provided for by the Rules of the FA Challenge Cup Compe琀椀琀椀on in force from 琀椀me to
6.1 A Qualifying Player Registra琀椀on
The Football Associa琀椀on’s rules will apply in respect of all ma琀琀ers concerning players.
6.1.1 A Player will only be eligible to play in a match organised by the Compe琀椀琀椀on if his registra琀椀on
form; transfer form, or loan transfer form, has been received by the Company, via the Online Player
Registra琀椀on System, not less than four hours before the scheduled kick-o昀昀 of the match in which the
player is required to play and found to be in order, and so registered. It is the responsibility of all Clubs
to ensure any player registering, has, where necessary, the required Interna琀椀onal Transfer Cer琀椀昀椀cate
and in the case of Contract Players, including those on loan, must have approval from The Football
Associa琀椀on. Clubs are also responsible for all players being correctly registered before 昀椀elding any
player. Failure to do so cons琀椀tutes misconduct and the Club will be charged with 昀椀elding an ineligible
The Registra琀椀on of Players are subject to fees in accordance with the fees tari昀昀.
The status of a player must be clearly stated on the registra琀椀on informa琀椀on submi琀琀ed. Hard copies
of the registra琀椀on form are not required to be submi琀琀ed to the Compe琀椀琀椀on. However, these must
be completed, signed and retained by Clubs in case of dispute or in case requested by The FA and/or
the Compe琀椀琀椀on. The registra琀椀on of a Player will be valid from the date of registra琀椀on to the end of
that Playing Season only or, if in the case of a Contract or Loan Player whose contract or loan expires
before the end of the Playing Season, for the term of the said contract or loan.
6.1.2 A Player may only play under his correct status. Any change of a Player’s status during the currency
of a registra琀椀on must be no琀椀昀椀ed to the Compe琀椀琀椀on within 昀椀ve (5) days of the change of registra琀椀on
being a昀昀ected.
In the event of a Player changing his status with the same Club either from Contract to Non- Contract
or from Non-Contract to Contract then that Player must sign a new registra琀椀on form (which is to be
retained by the Club), complete a new registra琀椀on process via the Online Player Registra琀椀on System,
and be re-registered. In default the Player re-registering will be ineligible to play in a match under the
jurisdic琀椀on of the Compe琀椀琀椀on and Rule 6.9 will be applied in such circumstances where a Club is
found guilty of playing a Player who has changed status without re-registering.
A Player whose registra琀椀on under Contract is cancelled by mutual consent and immediately reregistered by the same Club or a di昀昀erent Club on a non-contract basis shall not subsequently be
registered as a Contract player with the Club for which his Contract was cancelled, within three
months of the date of the cancella琀椀on except with the consent of the Board and The FA
6.1.3 The Board shall have the power to make applica琀椀on to refuse or cancel the registra琀椀on of any
Player charged and found guilty of undesirable conduct subject to the right of Appeal to the FA or
the relevant County Football Associa琀椀on. Undesirable conduct shall mean an incident of repeated
conduct, which may deter a Par琀椀cipant from being involved in this Compe琀椀琀椀on. Applica琀椀on should be
made to the parent County of the Club the Player is registered with.