08 Standardised Rules
In the event that an individual/en琀椀ty is found to have either:
• Completed false or misleading statements on their Owners’ and Directors’ Declara琀椀on;
• acted as an O昀케cer when in breach of the requirements of the Owners’ and Directors’ Declara琀椀on;
• Acted as an O昀케cer without The FA having given wri琀琀en con昀椀rma琀椀on to the Club in accordance with
The FA’s Owners’ and Directors’ Regula琀椀ons that the individual may so act; then the individual/ en琀椀ty
or Club shall be subject to such 昀椀ne or other sanc琀椀on as may be determined by The FA.
In en琀椀ty or Club shall be subject to such 昀椀ne or other sanc琀椀on as may be determined by The FA.
In the event that the Compe琀椀琀椀on receive a No琀椀ce from The FA issued in accordance with The FA’s
Owners’ and Directors’ Test Regula琀椀ons for the suspension of that Club’s Compe琀椀琀椀on membership,
then that Club shall be suspended from the Compe琀椀琀椀on with e昀昀ect from 14 days from the date of
the No琀椀ce. An appeal of the e昀昀ect of the No琀椀ce is to The FA and can only be made by the a昀昀ected
Club and in accordance with the appeal procedures set out in the FA Owners’ and Directors’ Test
Regula琀椀ons. The e昀昀ect of the No琀椀ce shall be suspended pending the outcome of an appeal.
The FA shall advise the Compe琀椀琀椀on and the Club in wri琀椀ng where it becomes sa琀椀s昀椀ed that a
Disqualifying Condi琀椀on as de昀椀ned in the FA Owners’ and Directors’ Test no longer applies. Upon
receipt of this wri琀琀en no琀椀昀椀ca琀椀on from The FA, the Compe琀椀琀椀on may remove the suspension of the
Club’s Compe琀椀琀椀on membership.
Where a Club is suspended and that causes a match in the Compe琀椀琀椀on not to be played, the Board
shall determine how the outcome of that match shall be treated.
2.17 Within fourteen days of a change in a Signi昀椀cant Interest at a Club or the appointment or removal of
any director of a Club, wri琀琀en no琀椀ce thereof, together with such details as are required to be 昀椀led with
the Registrar of Companies, shall be deposited at the Compe琀椀琀椀on O昀케ce.
2.18 If during the course of a season the Board decide that the organisa琀椀on and management or 昀椀nances
of a par琀椀cular Club fall below the standards appropriate to membership of the Compe琀椀琀椀on, the
Compe琀椀琀椀on Secretary shall be instructed to warn the Club at once that it may be excluded from
membership of the Compe琀椀琀椀on at the end of that playing season. Such a Club shall have the right to
appeal to The FA within 14 days of the date of no琀椀昀椀ca琀椀on of the Board’s decision.
2.19 The Compe琀椀琀椀on, through the Board shall be empowered from 琀椀me to 琀椀me by subscrip琀椀on, levy or
otherwise to require Clubs to contribute such sum or sums of money to the funds of the League as
may be necessary for the proper conduct of the business of the League. Such contribu琀椀ons by Clubs
may be collected by deduc琀椀on from sums due to Clubs under any promo琀椀on agreement [commercial
contract] or from sponsorship money due or by whatever means the Board shall think 昀椀t. There
shall be added to any sums to be contributed from Clubs, if applicable, Value Added Tax at the then
prevailing rate.
2.20 Any Club failing to be represented throughout an Annual General Mee琀椀ng or any other General
Mee琀椀ng called in accordance with the Rules or Ar琀椀cles without sa琀椀sfactory reason being given shall
be 昀椀ned in accordance with the Fines Tari昀昀. Whenever required to do so all Clubs shall ensure their
Manager, or an Assistant Manager, a琀琀end in person any Mee琀椀ng of Clubs called by the Board. Failure
to do so without just cause shall be a breach of these Rules and be dealt with in accordance with the
Fines Tari昀昀.
2.21 The Compe琀椀琀椀on and each Club must be commi琀琀ed to promo琀椀ng inclusivity and to elimina琀椀ng all
forms of discrimina琀椀on.
2.22 The Compe琀椀琀椀on and each Club does not and must not by its rules or regula琀椀ons or in any manner
whatsoever unlawfully discriminate against any person within the meaning and scope of the Equality
Act 2010 or any law, enactment, order or regula琀椀on rela琀椀ng to discrimina琀椀on (whether by way of age,
gender, gender reassignment, sexual orienta琀椀on, marital status, race, na琀椀onality, ethnic origin, colour,
religion or belief, ability or disability, or otherwise).
2.23 The Compe琀椀琀椀on and each Club shall make every e昀昀ort to promote equality by trea琀椀ng people fairly
and with respect, by recognising that inequali琀椀es may exist, by taking steps to address them and by
providing access and opportuni琀椀es for all members of the community, irrespec琀椀ve of age, gender,
gender reassignment, sexual orienta琀椀on, marital status, race, na琀椀onality, ethnic origin, colour, religion
or belief, ability or disability, or otherwise.
2.24 Any alleged breach of the Equality Act 2010 legisla琀椀on must be referred to the appropriate
sanc琀椀oning Associa琀椀on for inves琀椀ga琀椀on.
2.25 Each Club shall comply with the provisions of Appendix Q – the ‘Licensing System’, as approved by the
FA Council from 琀椀me to 琀椀me.