08 Standardised Rules
2.6 The Compe琀椀琀椀on and the FA shall determine a 琀椀me scale whereby all Clubs in membership must
a琀琀ain the grade provided for in the Criteria Document. The grade applicable for each Club for the
commencement of a Playing Season shall be that exis琀椀ng at the previous 31st July (or by a later date
which was agreed at the sole discre琀椀on of The FA’s Alliance League Commi琀琀ee (Steps 1 to 4) or
Leagues Commi琀琀ee (Steps 5 & 6) such grading to be ascertained by an inspec琀椀on carried out on or
before 31st March or as soon as prac琀椀cable therea昀琀er. Any Club not maintaining the grade set for the
Compe琀椀琀椀on may be relegated at the end of the Playing Season to a step determined by The FA.
Any delay in inspec琀椀on shall in no way release a Club from its obliga琀椀on to have its ground ready
for inspec琀椀on. If for any reason a Club’s exis琀椀ng ground, or any new ground in which it proposes to
play its home matches in the season following inspec琀椀on, is not available for grading by 31st March
prior to commencement of the relevant season then the Club must, by the 31st March, submit to the
Board in wri琀椀ng its proposals for a venue for its home matches in the following season (“alterna琀椀ve
proposal”), such alterna琀椀ve proposal to be considered (and if appropriate) approved at the next Board
Mee琀椀ng a昀琀er 31st March. The alterna琀椀ve proposal must, inter alia, contain documentary evidence in
support of any ground sharing arrangements and evidence that the proposed ground is demonstrably
suitable at a level which the relevant club will be compe琀椀ng. The alterna琀椀ve proposal may not be for a
con琀椀nua琀椀on of any ground share arrangement if the Club has had a ground sharing arrangement for
the previous 2 seasons, or any part thereof, even if those arrangements have related to more than one
Any approval of the alterna琀椀ve proposal will be subject to the issue of a grading cer琀椀昀椀cate. The Board
will use all reasonable endeavours to inspect the ground a昀琀er receiving the alterna琀椀ve proposal and
prior to the Board mee琀椀ng, but if it is unable to do so then any approval of the alterna琀椀ve proposal will
be subject to the issue of a sa琀椀sfactory grading cer琀椀昀椀cate. In the event of a Club not having received a
grading cer琀椀昀椀cate by 31st March and not having had its alterna琀椀ve proposal approved at the relevant
Board Mee琀椀ng, it shall be relegated forthwith at the end of the playing season to a level determined by
The Football Associa琀椀on.
2.7 Any Club which is incorporated must be incorporated in England and Wales. Any Club wishing to
incorporate shall no琀椀fy The FA, its A昀케liated Associa琀椀on and the Company Secretary before it makes
any resolu琀椀ons in this regard. Any person wishing to be appointed as an O昀케cer to a Club must comply
with the requirements of The FA Owners’ and Directors’ Test Regula琀椀ons and send to the League
Secretary a copy of the Owners’ and Directors’ Declara琀椀on within 5 days of sending the same to The
2.8 In the event that any Club which is an unincorporated associa琀椀on incorporates itself it shall no琀椀fy the
Compe琀椀琀椀on Secretary in wri琀椀ng within 14 days of the passing of the resolu琀椀on to take this ac琀椀on
and shall with such no琀椀ce provide the Compe琀椀琀椀on Secretary with a copy of the Memorandum
and Ar琀椀cles of Associa琀椀on of the company. Any amendments to the Memorandum and Ar琀椀cles of
Associa琀椀on of a Club must be no琀椀昀椀ed to the Compe琀椀琀椀on Secretary in wri琀椀ng within 14 days of the
passing of the resolu琀椀on with a copy of the change(s).
In the event that any Club which resolves to transfer its membership of the Compe琀椀琀椀on from one
legal en琀椀ty to a di昀昀erent legal en琀椀ty, other than in the circumstances shown at 2.9.2 below, the Board
will use the following minimum criteria in deciding whether to approve that transfer:
a. The shareholders or members of the Club have voted to agree to the transfer of the Club’s
membership to the new en琀椀ty.
b. All Football Creditors in the Club must be paid in full or transferred in full (with each creditor’s
consent) to the new en琀椀ty, and evidenced as such.
c. All other creditors in the Club must be paid in full or Secured or transferred in full (with each
creditor’s consent) to the new en琀椀ty and evidenced as such.
d. The proposed new en琀椀ty has provided 昀椀nancial forecasts to The FA and the Compe琀椀琀椀on showing
its ability to fund the Club for the next twelve (12) months or to the end of the Playing Season
following transfer (whichever is the longer) and that evidence of funding sources has been provided.
e. The FA must have given approval for the transfer to take place.
Transfer from Insolvency
2.9.2 In the event that any Club that is subject to an Insolvency Event resolves to transfer its membership of
the Compe琀椀琀椀on to a new en琀椀ty, the Board will use the following minimum criteria in deciding whether
or not to approve that transfer: