shall mean that a creditor has consented, and provided evidence of such, to accept a sum in full and 昀椀nal
se琀琀lement of its debt from a Club. For the avoidance of doubt, a vote to approve a Company Voluntary
Arrangement (‘CVA’) by the creditors of a Club, held in accordance with Insolvency Law in opera琀椀on from
琀椀me to 琀椀me, shall deem those debts admi琀琀ed to the CVA as being Sa琀椀s昀椀ed. The Board shall determine at
its absolute discre琀椀on whether an amount is sa琀椀s昀椀ed under the Rules.
means a player that has entered into a Scholarship Agreement.
“Scholarship Agreement”
means an agreement entered into between a Club and a player pursuant to the Player Status Rules.
shall mean that one of the following legally recognised undertakings has been provided for the payment of
the speci昀椀ed sum in full by the AGM at the end of the Playing Season in which the transfer of membership
takes place:
(i) A solicitor’s undertaking for the full amount outstanding;
(ii) A bank guarantee is held for the full amount outstanding;
In each case to be paid and sa琀椀s昀椀ed in full by no later than the AGM at the end of the Playing Season in
which the transfer took place. The Board shall determine at its absolute discre琀椀on whether an amount is
Secured or Sa琀椀s昀椀ed under the Rules.
“Short Term Loan”
means a loan transfer for a period of no fewer than 28 days in any one season.
“Signi昀椀cant Interest”
means the holding and/or possession of the legal or bene昀椀cial interest in, and/ or the ability to exercise
the vo琀椀ng rights applicable to, shares or other securi琀椀es in the Club which confer in aggregate on the
holder(s) thereof ten (10) per cent or more of the total vo琀椀ng rights exercisable in respect of the Shares
of any class of Shares of the Club. All or part of any such interest may be held directly or indirectly or by
contract including, but not limited to, by way of membership of any group that in the opinion of the Board
are ac琀椀ng in concert, and any rights or powers held by an Associate (as de昀椀ned in the Rules of The FA
Challenge Cup) shall be included for the purposes of determining whether an interest or interests amounts
to a “Signi昀椀cant Interest”.
means a spor琀椀ng sanc琀椀ons appeal panel to be appointed to determine an appeal against a deduc琀椀on of
points under Rule 13.
“Team Sheet”
means a form provided by the Compe琀椀琀椀on referred to in Rule 8.20. “The FA” means The Football
Associa琀椀on Limited.
“The FA”
means The Football Associa琀椀on Limited.
means any nego琀椀a琀椀on or other related ac琀椀vity, including any communica琀椀on rela琀椀ng or preparatory to
the same, the inten琀椀on or e昀昀ect of which is to create, terminate or vary the terms of a player’s contract
of employment with a Club, to facilitate or e昀昀ect the registra琀椀on of a player with a Club, or the transfer
of the registra琀椀on of a player from a club to a Club (whether on a temporary or permanent basis). A
completed Transac琀椀on is one that has so achieved the crea琀椀on, termina琀椀on or varia琀椀on of the terms of
the player’s contract of employment with a Club, the registra琀椀on of the player with a Club or the transfer
of the registra琀椀on from a club to a Club.
means the Whole Game System and the procedures for the opera琀椀on thereof as determined
by The FA from 琀椀me to 琀椀me.
“Work Experience Player”
means a Player whose registra琀椀on is held by a compe琀椀琀椀on other than the Compe琀椀琀椀on and is registered
under a Scholarship. The Club taking the Player on work experience will register the Player Non Contract
with a league in which they take part to ful昀椀l the football element of the Scholarship, not the educa琀椀onal
“wri琀琀en” or “in wri琀椀ng”
means the representa琀椀on or reproduc琀椀on of words or symbols or other informa琀椀on in a visible form by
any method or combina琀椀on of methods, whether sent or supplied in electronic form or otherwise