08 Standardised Rules
“Long Term Loan”
means a loan transfer in excess of 93 days of a Player who is a qualifying Player within the terms of
the Rules.
“Match O昀케cials”
means the referee, the assistant referees and any fourth o昀케cial appointed to a Compe琀椀琀椀on Match.
“Membership Year”
mmeans the period in each calendar year from the holding of one annual general mee琀椀ng of the
Company to the holding of the next annual general mee琀椀ng.
“Na琀椀onal League System”
means the system of compe琀椀琀椀ons controlled by the FA where promo琀椀on and relega琀椀on links exist
between par琀椀cipa琀椀ng Leagues.
“Non Contract Player”
means any Player (other than a Player on a Scholarship) who is eligible to play for a Club but has not
entered into a wri琀琀en contract of employment.
means an individual who is required to make an Owners’ and Directors’ Declara琀椀on by The FA.
“Online Player Registra琀椀on System”
means the relevant online player registra琀椀on system as determined by The FA from 琀椀me to 琀椀me.
shall be as de昀椀ned in the Rules of The FA.
“Owners’ and Directors’ Declara琀椀on”
means a declara琀椀on to The FA required from an O昀케cer from 琀椀me to 琀椀me.
“Paid in Full”
shall mean when a Club has either:
• paid (in cleared funds) to the supervisor of its CVA or its administrator, su昀케cient funds to pay
all its creditors in full (100p in the £) and to cover the costs of the CVA or the administra琀椀on and
con昀椀rma琀椀on of this fact has been received in wri琀椀ng from the supervisor/administrator; or
• paid (in cleared funds) su昀케cient to se琀琀le in full (100p in the £) any debts owed to creditors outside
a CVA.
“ Par琀椀cipant”
shall be as de昀椀ned in the Rules of The FA
means a Grass Pitch or Football Turf Pitch.
“Pitch Test”
means the test(s) conducted by a FIFA accredited 昀椀eld test ins琀椀tute or UKAS accredited test ins琀椀tute
in accordance with the requirements of the FIFA Quality Concept or IATS.
means any Contract Player, Non Contract Player or other Player who plays or who is eligible to play
for a Club or is subject to any suspension from playing.
“Player Status Rules”
shall be as de昀椀ned in the Rules of The FA.
“Playing Season”
means the period between the date on which the 昀椀rst league 昀椀xture in the Compe琀椀琀椀on is played
each year un琀椀l the date on which the last league 昀椀xture in the Compe琀椀琀椀on is played. For Clubs
par琀椀cipa琀椀ng in play o昀昀 matches this does include the period when play o昀昀 matches are played.
“Play O昀昀 Posi琀椀on”
means the posi琀椀on of a Club in the table at the end of each Playing Season which is provided for in
Rule 12 as qualifying the Club to take part in a play o昀昀 match to qualify for promo琀椀on to the next step
of football for the next Playing Season.
means these rules under which the Compe琀椀琀椀on is administered.