• Any Club a昀케liated with an A昀케liated Associa琀椀on.
• Any League sanc琀椀oned by The Associa琀椀on or an A昀케liated Associa琀椀on.
• Any full 琀椀me or part 琀椀me employee of a Club, or former full 琀椀me or part 琀椀me employee of a Club, in
respect of sums due to such person by way of arrears of remunera琀椀on or expenses. This excludes for
these purposes all and any claims for redundancy, unfair or wrongful dismissal or other claims arising out
of the termina琀椀on of the contract or in respect of any period a昀琀er the actual date of termina琀椀on.
• The Professional Footballers’ Associa琀椀on Limited.
• The Football Founda琀椀on.
• Any A昀케liated Associa琀椀on.
• Any pension scheme or plan administered by or on behalf of the Compe琀椀琀椀on.
“Football Turf (3G) Pitch (FTP)”
means a 昀椀eld of play (as that term is de昀椀ned in the Laws of the Game) that has, following installa琀椀on
and prior to the commencement of each subsequent Playing Season, been awarded the relevant FIFA
Performance requirement (FIFA Two and One Star or Pro and Quality) and which otherwise conforms to
the requirements of the Laws of the Game.
“Grass Pitch”
means a 昀椀eld of play (as that term is de昀椀ned in the Laws of the Game) that is natural grass, predominantly
natural grass or intended to be predominantly natural grass and which conforms to the requirements of
the Laws of the Game.
means the ground on which the Club’s 昀椀rst team plays its Compe琀椀琀椀on 昀椀xtures.
“Insolvency Event”
means any one of the following:
a. entering into a Company Voluntary Arrangement pursuant to Part 1 of the Insolvency Act 1986 (“the
1986 Act”) or a compromise or arrangement with its creditors under Part 26 of the Companies Act 2006
or any compromise agreement with its creditors as a whole; or
b. lodging a No琀椀ce of Inten琀椀on to Appoint an Administrator or No琀椀ce of Appointment of an Administrator
at the Court in accordance with paragraph 26 or paragraph 29 of Schedule B1 to the 1986 Act, an
applica琀椀on to the Court for an Administra琀椀on Order under paragraph 12 of Schedule B1 to the 1986
Act (other than paragraph 12 (1)(c)) or where an Administrator is appointed or an Administra琀椀on Order is
made in respect of it (“‘Administrator” and “Administra琀椀on Order” having the meanings a琀琀ributed to them
respec琀椀vely by paragraphs 1 and 10 of Schedule B1 to the 1986 Act); or
c. an Administra琀椀ve Receiver (as de昀椀ned by sec琀椀on 251 of the 1986 Act), a Law of Property Act Receiver
(appointed under sec琀椀on 109 of the Law of Property Act 1925) or any Receiver appointed by the Court
under the Supreme Court Act 1981 or any other Receiver is appointed over any assets which, in the
opinion of the Board, are material to the Club’s ability to ful昀椀l its obliga琀椀ons as a member of the League; or
d. shareholders passing a resolu琀椀on pursuant to sec琀椀on 84(1) of the 1986 Act to voluntarily wind up; or
e. a mee琀椀ng of creditors is convened pursuant to sec琀椀on 95 or sec琀椀on 98 of the 1986 Act; or
f. a winding up order is made by the Court under sec琀椀on 122 of the 1986 Act or a provisional liquidator is
appointed under sec琀椀on 135 of the 1986 Act; or
g. ceasing or forming an inten琀椀on to cease wholly or substan琀椀ally to carry on business save for the
purpose of reconstruc琀椀on or amalgama琀椀on or otherwise in accordance with a scheme of proposals which
have previously been submi琀琀ed to and approved in wri琀椀ng by the Board; or
h. being subject to any insolvency regime in any jurisdic琀椀on outside England and Wales which is
analogous with the insolvency regimes detailed in (a) to (g) above; and/or
i. have any proceeding or step taken or any court order in any jurisdic琀椀on made which has a substan琀椀ally
similar e昀昀ect to any of the foregoing.
means any natural or legal person who carries out or seeks to carry out Intermediary Ac琀椀vity and has
registered with The Associa琀椀on in accordance with The FA Intermediaries Regula琀椀ons.
“Intermediary Ac琀椀vity”
means ac琀椀ng in any way and at any 琀椀me, either directly or indirectly, for or on behalf of a Player or a
Club in rela琀椀on to any ma琀琀er rela琀椀ng to a Transac琀椀on. This includes, but is not limited to, entering into a
Representa琀椀on Contract with a Player or a Club. For the avoidance of doubt, a Club O昀케cial is not ac琀椀ng
as an Intermediary when he carries out any Intermediary Ac琀椀vity in rela琀椀on to any ma琀琀er rela琀椀ng to a
Transac琀椀on for or on behalf of that Club. Similarly, a Lawyer is not ac琀椀ng as an Intermediary when he
solely and exclusively undertakes or provides Permi琀琀ed Legal Advice in rela琀椀on to any ma琀琀er rela琀椀ng to
a Transac琀椀on.