08 Standardised Rules
“Contract Player”
means any Player (other than a Player on a Scholarship) who is eligible to play under a wri琀琀en contract
of employment with a Club.
“Contractual Disputes Tribunal”
shall be as de昀椀ned in Rules of The FA.
means the power of a natural person, legal en琀椀ty or any other body to exercise, or to be able to
exercise or acquire, direct or indirect control over the policies, a昀昀airs and/or management of a Club,
whether that power is cons琀椀tuted by rights or contracts (either separately or in combina琀椀on) and
having regard to the considera琀椀ons of fact or law involved, and, without prejudice to the generality of
the foregoing, Control shall be deemed to include:
a. the power (whether directly or indirectly and by any means including without limita琀椀on by way of
those that in the opinion of the Board are ac琀椀ng in concert) to appoint and/or remove all or such of
the members of the board of directors of the Club as are able to cast a majority of the votes capable
of being cast by the members of that board; and/or
b. the holding and/or possession of the bene昀椀cial interest in, and/or the ability to exercise the vo琀椀ng
rights applicable to, shares (or other equity securi琀椀es) in the Club (whether directly, indirectly (by
means of holding such interests in one or more other persons) or by contract including without
limita琀椀on those that in the opinion of the Board are ac琀椀ng in concert) which confer in aggregate on
the holder(s) thereof 30 per cent or more of the total vo琀椀ng rights exercisable at general mee琀椀ngs of
the Club;
For the purposes of the above, any rights or powers of a nominee or of an associate (as de昀椀ned in the
Rules of The FA Challenge Cup) of a person shall be a琀琀ributed to that person.
“Criteria Document”
means the document en琀椀tled “Na琀椀onal Ground Grading Document” issued by The FA from 琀椀me to
琀椀me and shall, unless stated to the contrary, mean the latest edi琀椀on of the document.
shall mean an agreement reached by a Club under a Company Voluntary Arrangement (under the
Insolvency Act 1986) or a Scheme of Arrangement (under the Companies Act 1985 or Companies Act
means any day on which the Compe琀椀琀椀on O昀케ce is open for normal business but excluding, unless the
Board determines otherwise, a Saturday, a Sunday or a Bank or Public Holiday.
means a ban placed by the Board on a Club in respect of player registra琀椀ons, as more fully de昀椀ned in
Appendix H.
“Embargoed Club”
means any Club subject to an Embargo.
“Fees Tari昀昀”
means a list of fees approved by the Company at a general mee琀椀ng to be levied by the Company for
any ma琀琀ers for which fees are payable under the Rules.
“FIFA Quality Concept” means the:
a. FIFA Quality Concept Handbook of Requirements for Football Turf Surfaces (January 2012
Edi琀椀on); and
b. FIFA Quality Concept – Handbook of Test Methods for Football Turf (January 2012 Edi琀椀on), and
any amendment or modi昀椀ca琀椀on thereof.
“FIFA Recommended One / IATS or Two Star Cer琀椀昀椀cate”
means the cer琀椀昀椀cate of that name awarded by FIFA following compliance with the applicable
requirements of the FIFA Quality Concept.
“Fines Tari昀昀”
means a list of 昀椀nes approved by the Company at a general mee琀椀ng to be levied by the Company for
any breach of the Rules.
“Football Creditor”
means any one of the following:
• The Football Associa琀椀on Limited.