07 Ar琀椀cles of Associa琀椀on
ested the proposals may be divided and considered in rela琀椀on to each Commi琀琀ee Member separately
and (provided he is not for another reason precluded from vo琀椀ng) each of the Commi琀琀ee Members
concerned shall be en琀椀tled to vote and be counted in the quorum in respect of each resolu琀椀on except
that concerning his own appointment.
24.5 If a ques琀椀on arises at a mee琀椀ng of the Management Commi琀琀ee or of a commi琀琀ee of the Management
Commi琀琀ee as to the right of a Commi琀琀ee Member to vote, the ques琀椀on may, before the conclusion
of the mee琀椀ng, be referred to the chairman of the mee琀椀ng and his ruling in rela琀椀on to any Commi琀琀ee
Member other than himself shall be 昀椀nal and conclusive.
The Management Commi琀琀ee may elect and remove Life Members and up to 3 Vice Presidents for
services to the Company, who need not be associated with a member Club. Any such appointment is
honorary only and confers no powers on the appointee.
26.1 The ac琀椀vi琀椀es of the Compe琀椀琀椀on shall be administered by the Company in accordance with the Rules
to which all Clubs shall adhere.
26.2 The Company may by special resolu琀椀on passed at an annual general mee琀椀ng or at an extraordinary
general mee琀椀ng specially called for the purpose amend or replace any or all of the Rules. No altera琀椀on
of the Rules may be made otherwise than by way of a special resolu琀椀on and shall be subject to approval in accordance with Sub-Ar琀椀cle 26.5.
26.3 No琀椀ce of proposed amendments to Rules (other than those approved by the Management Committee) to be considered at an annual general mee琀椀ng shall be submi琀琀ed in wri琀椀ng to the General Manager not later than 31st January prior to the date 昀椀xed for the annual general mee琀椀ng or not later than 8
weeks before the holding of an extraordinary general mee琀椀ng called for the purpose of amending the
26.4 No琀椀ce of the proposals for amendment of the rules together with any proposals by the Management
Commi琀琀ee shall be circulated with the no琀椀ce of the mee琀椀ng at least 14 clear days before the date of
the general mee琀椀ng.
26.5 No amendment or addi琀椀on to the Rules shall become opera琀椀ve un琀椀l approved by the Football Associa琀椀on. Subject as aforesaid, Rules and decisions made in accordance therewith will be e昀昀ec琀椀ve when
no琀椀昀椀ed to the members in wri琀椀ng.
The Management Commi琀琀ee shall cause minutes to be made in books kept for the purpose:27.1 of all appointments of o昀케cers made by the Management Commi琀琀ee; and
27.2 of all proceedings at mee琀椀ngs of the Company, and of the Management Commi琀琀ee, and of commi琀琀ees of the Management Commi琀琀ee, including the names of the persons present at each such
No member shall (as such) have any right of inspec琀椀ng any accoun琀椀ng records or other book or
document of the Company except as conferred by statute or authorised by the Management
Commi琀琀ee or by ordinary resolu琀椀on of the Company.
29.1 Any no琀椀ce to be given to or by any person pursuant to the Ar琀椀cles shall be in wri琀椀ng except that a
no琀椀ce calling a mee琀椀ng of the Management Commi琀琀ee need not be in wri琀椀ng.
29.2 The Company may give any no琀椀ce to a member or other individual en琀椀tled to receive it either personally or by sending it by post in a prepaid envelope addressed to the member or individual at a nominated address or by leaving it at that address. A member or other individual whose nominated address is
not within the United Kingdom and who gives to the Company an address within the United Kingdom
at which no琀椀ces may be given to him shall be en琀椀tled to have no琀椀ces given to him at that address, but
otherwise no such person shall be en琀椀tled to receive any no琀椀ce from the Company.
29.3 A member present, either in person or by proxy, at any mee琀椀ng of the Company shall be deemed to
have received no琀椀ce of the mee琀椀ng and, where requisite, of the purposes for which it was called.
29.4 Proof that an envelope containing a no琀椀ce was properly addressed, prepaid and posted shall be conclusive evidence that the no琀椀ce was given. A no琀椀ce shall be deemed to be given at the expira琀椀on of
24 hours a昀琀er the envelope containing it was posted.