07 Ar琀椀cles of Associa琀椀on
13.1 Subject as otherwise provided in these regula琀椀ons, a resolu琀椀on put to the vote of a mee琀椀ng shall be
decided on a show of vo琀椀ng cards, unless before, or on the declara琀椀on of the result of the show of
vo琀椀ng cards, a poll is duly demanded. Subject to the provisions of the Act, a poll may be demanded:
13.1.1 by the Chairman; or
13.1.2 by at least four members having the right to vote at the mee琀椀ng;
(and a demand by a person as proxy for a member shall be the same as a demand by the member)
13.2 A poll shall be taken as the Chairman directs and he may appoint scru琀椀neers (who need not be
members) and 昀椀x a 琀椀me and a place for declaring the result of the poll. The result of the poll shall be
deemed to be the resolu琀椀on of the mee琀椀ng at which the poll was demanded.
13.3 Subject as otherwise provided in these regula琀椀ons, on a show of vo琀椀ng cards every member
who (being an unincorporated associa琀椀on) is present by its nominee or (being a company or body
corporate) is present by its duly authorised representa琀椀ve shall have one vote and on a poll every
member so present by representa琀椀ve or nominee or present proxy shall have one vote.
13.4 A member club who is a limited company may by resolu琀椀on of its directors, authorise such person
who shall be a member of the board of directors of that member club as it thinks 昀椀t to act as its
nominee at any mee琀椀ng of the company. Any member club who is an unincorporated associa琀椀on
may by resolu琀椀on of its management commi琀琀ee authorise such person who shall be a member of its
management commi琀琀ee to act as its nominee at any mee琀椀ng of the company.
13.5 Each member club shall ensure that its chairman or its nominee a琀琀end each general mee琀椀ng of the
company. The nominee must be a member of the board of directors in the case of a limited company
or a member of the management commi琀琀ee in the case of an unincorporated associa琀椀on. Any club
failing to be represented at any general mee琀椀ng of the company will pay a 昀椀ne in accordance with
the 昀椀nes tari昀昀 to the company which 昀椀ne may however be remi琀琀ed or reduced if a sa琀椀sfactory
explana琀椀on of such absence be given to the management commi琀琀ee. Each member club may in
addi琀椀on to its chairman or its duly authorised nominee have in a琀琀endance at all general mee琀椀ng,
observers who shall take no part in the proceedings.
13.6 On a poll votes may be given either personally or by proxy.
13.7 An instrument appoin琀椀ng a proxy shall be in wri琀椀ng, executed by or on behalf of the appointor and
shall be in the form in force at the relevant 琀椀me (or in a form as near thereto as circumstances allow or
in any other form which the Commi琀琀ee Members may approve):
13.8.1 The instrument appoin琀椀ng a proxy and any authority under which it is executed shall be sent as
speci昀椀ed in the no琀椀ce convening the mee琀椀ng or in any instrument of proxy sent out by the Company
in rela琀椀on to the mee琀椀ng not less than 12 hours before the 琀椀me appointed for the holding of the
mee琀椀ng or adjourned mee琀椀ng at which the person named in the instrument proposes to vote.
13.8.2 If a poll is not taken forthwith but is taken not more than 48 hours a昀琀er it was demanded the
instrument appoin琀椀ng a proxy and any authority under which it is executed may be delivered at the
mee琀椀ng at which the poll was demanded to the League General Manager.
13.9 Only a member who shall have paid every subscrip琀椀on and other sum (if any), which shall be due and
payable to the Company in respect of its membership pursuant to the Rules or otherwise shall (to the
extent that it is otherwise en琀椀tled to do so) be en琀椀tled to be present or represented or to vote on any
ques琀椀on at any general mee琀椀ng of the Company.
13.10 In the case of an equality of votes, the Chairman shall be en琀椀tled to a second or cas琀椀ng vote in
addi琀椀on to any other vote he may have.
13.11 A declara琀椀on by the Chairman that a resolu琀椀on has been carried or carried unanimously, or by a
par琀椀cular majority, or lost, or not carried by a par琀椀cular majority and an entry to that e昀昀ect in the
minutes of the mee琀椀ng shall be conclusive evidence of the fact without proof of the number or
propor琀椀on of the votes recorded in favour of or against the resolu琀椀on.
13.12 A Commi琀琀ee Member shall, notwithstanding that he is not a member, be en琀椀tled to a琀琀end and speak
at any general mee琀椀ng.
13.13 No objec琀椀on shall be raised as to the quali昀椀ca琀椀on of any voter except at the mee琀椀ng or adjourned
mee琀椀ng at which the vote objected to is tendered, and every vote not disallowed at the mee琀椀ng shall