9.1.1 A member club may be represented at the annual general mee琀椀ng or at a general mee琀椀ng called under the
provisions of Ar琀椀cle 7 above by its Chairman or Chief Execu琀椀ve or by the club Secretary or representa琀椀ve
named on the membership applica琀椀on form for the current season without evidence of any resolu琀椀on of
its directors or commi琀琀ee of management. A member club must a琀琀end any annual or general mee琀椀ng
sending its representa琀椀ve. If a club 昀椀nd that none of the persons referred to above can a琀琀end a mee琀椀ng
the club may by resolu琀椀on of its directors or commi琀琀ee of management authorise an individual to act as
its representa琀椀ve at the mee琀椀ng but reasonable evidence of such authorisa琀椀on must be received by the
General Manager at least 24 hours before the date of the next mee琀椀ng.
9.2 The following business shall be transacted at the annual general mee琀椀ng:
9.2.1 the minutes of the preceding annual general mee琀椀ng and any other special general mee琀椀ng having been
circulated, will be con昀椀rmed and business arising therefrom dealt with;
9.2.2 a report from the President and / or the Chairman;
9.2.3 the adop琀椀on of standing orders;
9.2.4 the presenta琀椀on and adop琀椀on of the annual report and annual accounts of the Company;
9.2.5 con昀椀rma琀椀on of changes to the membership of the Company;
9.2.6 the elec琀椀on of members of the Management Commi琀琀ee and o昀케cers;
9.2.7 appointment of auditors;
9.2.8 any altera琀椀ons to the Rules;
9.2.9 a report by the League General Manager; and
9.2.10 the considera琀椀on of any other business (of which, subject to Ar琀椀cle 8.1.1, at least fourteen days’ no琀椀ce
must have been given).
9.3 A copy of the annual accounts of the Company and agenda shall be sent to each member with the
no琀椀ce of the annual general mee琀椀ng.
10.1 No business shall be transacted at any mee琀椀ng unless a quorum is present. Not less than three-昀椀昀琀hs
of members for the 琀椀me being en琀椀tled to vote upon the business to be transacted each (subject to the
proviso contained at ar琀椀cle 3.3) being a duly appointed nominee of a Club which is an unincorporated
associa琀椀on or present by a duly authorised representa琀椀ve in the case of a Club which is a corpora琀椀on or
body corporate shall be a quorum.
10.2 If such a quorum is not present within half an hour from the 琀椀me appointed for the mee琀椀ng, or if during
a mee琀椀ng such a quorum ceases to be present, the mee琀椀ng shall stand adjourned to the same day in
the next week at the same 琀椀me and place or to such 琀椀me and place as the Management Commi琀琀ee may
11.1 The Chairman or, failing him, some other Commi琀琀ee Member nominated by the Management Commi琀琀ee
shall preside as chairman of the mee琀椀ng, but if neither the Chairman nor such other Commi琀琀ee Member
(if any) be present within 昀椀昀琀een minutes a昀琀er the 琀椀me appointed for holding the mee琀椀ng and willing to
act, the Commi琀琀ee Members present shall elect one of their number to be chairman and, if there is only
one such Commi琀琀ee Member present and willing to act, he shall be chairman.
11.2 If no Commi琀琀ee Member is willing to act as chairman, or if no such Commi琀琀ee Member is present within
昀椀昀琀een minutes a昀琀er the 琀椀me appointed for holding the mee琀椀ng, the members present and en琀椀tled to
vote shall choose one of their number to be chairman.
12.1 The chairman may, with the consent of a mee琀椀ng at which a quorum is present (and shall if so directed
by resolu琀椀on of the mee琀椀ng), adjourn the mee琀椀ng from 琀椀me to 琀椀me and from place to place, but no
business shall be transacted at an adjourned mee琀椀ng other than business which might properly have been
transacted at the mee琀椀ng had the adjournment not take place.
12.2 When a mee琀椀ng is adjourned for fourteen days or more, at least seven clear days’ no琀椀ce shall be given
specifying the 琀椀me and place of the adjourned mee琀椀ng and the general nature of the business to be
transacted. Otherwise it shall not be necessary to give any such no琀椀ce.