07 Ar琀椀cles of Associa琀椀on
5.3 A member must inform the League General Manager and the Football Associa琀椀on immediately if
that member enters into an Insolvency Event. The Management Commi琀琀ee shall have the power to
suspend a member club on no琀椀昀椀ca琀椀on of it having entered an Insolvency Event, and may take any
further ac琀椀on as allowed by the Rules of the Compe琀椀琀椀on,.
6.1 The Management Commi琀琀ee, without prejudice to its exis琀椀ng rights, powers, and du琀椀es in
connec琀椀on with the management of the business of the Company, shall have full authority at its
discre琀椀on to nego琀椀ate and procure the Company to enter into any Commercial Agreement and the
Clubs shall comply with all obliga琀椀ons on their part which may be contained or referred to in any such
Commercial Agreement.
6.2 A昀琀er deduc琀椀on of costs incurred all pro昀椀ts deriving from the league sponsorship agreement shall
belong in the ra琀椀o of 2 shares to each premier division club and 1 share to each 昀椀rst division club
to those clubs which are members of the league throughout the season in respect of which those
pro昀椀ts are made. In respect of any other commercial or partnership agreement a昀琀er deduc琀椀on of
costs incurred the pro昀椀ts shall be allocated as agreed by the League Management Commi琀琀ee at their
discre琀椀on to those clubs which are members of the league throughout the season in respect of which
those pro昀椀ts are made.
6.3 Withdrawal from the League for whatever reason shall not a昀昀ect the accrued right to a share of
pro昀椀ts under clause 6.2 above of any Member.
6.4 Any Club failing to ful昀椀l the requirements of any Northern Premier Football League Limited
Sponsorship Agreement may, at the discre琀椀on of the Management Commi琀琀ee, have their share or
part share of any money due to them from the sponsorship withheld.
7.1 All general mee琀椀ngs other than annual general mee琀椀ngs shall be called extraordinary general
7.2 The Management Commi琀琀ee may call general mee琀椀ngs and, on the requisi琀椀on of members pursuant
to the provisions of the Act, shall forthwith proceed to convene an extraordinary general mee琀椀ng
for a date not later than 40 days a昀琀er receipt of the requisi琀椀on. If there is not a mee琀椀ng of the
Management Commi琀琀ee to be held and a resolu琀椀on to be passed thereat to call a general mee琀椀ng,
one third of the members may call a general mee琀椀ng.
8.1 An annual general mee琀椀ng aand an extraordinary general mee琀椀ng called for the passing of a special
resolu琀椀on shall be called by at least 14 clear days’ no琀椀ce. All other extraordinary general mee琀椀ngs
shall be called by at least 14 clear days’ no琀椀ce but a general mee琀椀ng may be called by shorter no琀椀ce
if so agreed.
8.1.1 in the case of an annual general mee琀椀ng, by all the members en琀椀tled to a琀琀end and vote thereat; and
8.1.2 in the case of any other mee琀椀ng, by a majority in number of the members having a right to a琀琀end and
vote being a majority together holding not less than ninety-昀椀ve per cent of the total vo琀椀ng rights at
the mee琀椀ng of all the members.
The no琀椀ce shall specify the 琀椀me and place of the mee琀椀ng and the general nature of the business to
be transacted and, in the case of an annual general mee琀椀ng, shall specify the mee琀椀ng as such.
Subject to the provisions of the Ar琀椀cles, the no琀椀ce shall be given to all members, the Commi琀琀ee
Members, the auditors and to any life members (provided that there shall be no obliga琀椀on to give
any no琀椀ce to a Club which is unincorporated associa琀椀on when no琀椀ce has been given to its duly
appointed nominee).
8.2 The accidental omission to give no琀椀ce of a mee琀椀ng to, or the non-receipt of no琀椀ce of a mee琀椀ng by,
any person en琀椀tled to receive no琀椀ce shall not invalidate the proceedings at that mee琀椀ng.
9.1 The annual general mee琀椀ng shall be held on a Saturday in June in each year to be no琀椀昀椀ed in advance
unless otherwise decided by the Management Commi琀琀ee (provided that no more than l5 months
shall elapse between annual general mee琀椀ngs).