07 Ar琀椀cles of Associa琀椀on
“Football Creditor”
The Football Associa琀椀on:
The FA Premier League Limited;
The Football League Limited;
The Football Conference Limited;
The Northern Premier Football League Limited;
The Southern Football League Limited;
The Isthmian Football League Limited;
Any member Club of the leagues or organisa琀椀ons listed in (1) to (vii) above;
Any full 琀椀me or part 琀椀me employee of a member club, or former full 琀椀me or part
琀椀me employee of a member club, in respect of sums due to such person by way of
arrears of remunera琀椀on. This excludes for these purposes all and any claims for
redundancy, unfair or wrongful dismissal or other claims arising out of the termina琀椀on of
the contract or in respect of any period a昀琀er the actual date of termina琀椀on;
The Professional Footballers’ Associa琀椀on Limited;
The Football Founda琀椀on;
Any County Football Associa琀椀on recognised by the Football Associa琀椀on;
Any other a昀케liated Clubs and Leagues;
Any pension scheme or plan administered by or on behalf of the Company.
“Insolvency event”
means when:
A manager, receiver, administrator or administra琀椀ve receiver is appointed in respect of the
Club or any part of its undertaking or assets;
An administra琀椀on order is made in respect of the club;
A winding-up order is made in respect of the club;
The club enters into any arrangement with its creditors or some part of them in respect of
the payment of its debts or part of them as a Company Voluntary Arrangement (under the
Insolvency Act 1986) or a Scheme of Arrangement (under the Companies Act 1985).
“Management Commi琀琀ee”
means the Management Commi琀琀ee for the 琀椀me being of the Company, comprising the Commi琀琀ee
Members. The Chairman and elected members appointed in accordance with Ar琀椀cle 19 shall be the
directors of the Company for the purposes of the Act;
means the registered o昀케ce of the Company;
“O昀케cers of the Compe琀椀琀椀on”
means the President, Vice Presidents, the Chairman, Vice Chairman, League General Manager,
Designated League O昀케cer and Treasurer;
“Rules of the Compe琀椀琀椀on”
means the Rules of The Northern Premier Football League Limited (subject to such amendments as
shall from 琀椀me to 琀椀me be made or adopted by the Company);
“the United Kingdom”
means Great Britain and Northern Ireland;
“Third Party”
Means any party which supplies or proposes to supply goods and/or services to the Company or
which proposes to enter into any commercial arrangement with the Company.
2.2 Unless the context otherwise requires, words or expressions contained in these regula琀椀ons bear the
same meaning as in the Act but excluding any statutory modi昀椀ca琀椀ons thereof not in force when these
regula琀椀ons become binding on the Company.
2.3 A reference to a person includes a body corporate and an unincorporated body of persons.