06 Memorandum of Associa琀椀on
(n) To subscribe to, become a member of, amalgamate or co-operate with or terminate or cease to be in
membership of any other league, organisa琀椀on, ins琀椀tu琀椀on, society or body or combina琀椀on thereof (whether
incorporated or not and whether in Great Britain or Northern Ireland or elsewhere) whose objects are
those of a governing body of football clubs or are wholly or in part similar to those of the Company; to
draw up and enforce rules, to be observed by and for the regula琀椀on of the conduct of football clubs
comprised therein and to enter into or terminate agreements and arrangements in connec琀椀on with any of
the foregoing.
To purchase or otherwise acquire and undertake all or such part of the property, assets, liabili琀椀es and
engagements as may lawfully be acquired or undertaken by the Company of any one or more of the
leagues, organisa琀椀ons, ins琀椀tu琀椀ons, socie琀椀es or bodies or combina琀椀on thereof with which the Company is
authorised to amalgamate or co-operate.
To do all or any of the things hereinbefore authorised either alone or in conjunc琀椀on with any other league,
organisa琀椀on, ins琀椀tu琀椀on, society or body with which the Company is authorised to amalgamate or cooperate.
To undertake and execute any trusts which may lawfully be undertaken by the Company and may seem to
it conducive for the furtherance of the objects of the Company.
To establish and support or aid in the establishment and support of any charitable trusts, associa琀椀ons or
ins琀椀tu琀椀ons and to subscribe or guarantee money for charitable purposes in any way connected with or
calculated to further any of the objects of the Company.
To print and publish or procure to be printed and published, and to circulate, or procure to be circulated
(whether gratuitously or not) any newspapers, periodicals, magazines, books, pamphlets, literature, no琀椀ces,
lea昀氀ets, internet or digital content, radio or TV broadcast or other documents on subjects which are within
the objects of the Company.
To purchase and apply for, or otherwise acquire and obtain either in the United Kingdom or elsewhere,
le琀琀ers patent, brevets d’inven琀椀on, copyrights, rights of reproduc琀椀on, representa琀椀on, trade marks, licences,
concessions and the like, conferring any exclusive or non-exclusive or limited right to use any inven琀椀on,
copyright material or other ma琀琀er or thing which may seem capable of being used for any of the purposes
of the Company or its members or the acquisi琀椀on of which may seem calculated directly or indirectly to
bene昀椀t the Company or its members and to use, exercise or develop or grant licences in respect of, or
otherwise turn to account any property and rights so acquired.
To establish, subsidise, promote or co-operate with, receive into union, become a member of, act as or
appoint trustees, agents, or delegates for, control, manage, superintend, lend monetary assistance to,
or otherwise assist any associa琀椀on or ins琀椀tute whether incorporated or unincorporated with objects
altogether or in part similar to those of the Company.
To advance, deposit or lend money, securi琀椀es and property to or with such persons, companies and bodies
and on such terms as may seem expedient to the Company.
To enter into any contract or guarantee or indemnity in respect of the performance or non-performance
of any contract or engagement to which any person, company or corpora琀椀on is a party, whether or not
the Company is or is not a party thereto and to subsidise or otherwise assist any person, corpora琀椀on or
company and to guarantee the payment of interest and dividends and repayments of capital in respect of
the shares or stock of any corpora琀椀on or company.
To draw, make, accept, endorse, execute and issue promissory notes, bills of exchange, bills of lading,
warrants, debentures and other nego琀椀able or transferable instruments.
To pay all or any expenses incurred in connec琀椀on with the promo琀椀on, forma琀椀on and incorpora琀椀on of the
To do all such other lawful things as are incidental or conducive to the a琀琀ainment of the above objects of
any of them.
To carry on any trade or business whatsoever which can in the opinion of the Company be advantageously
or conveniently carried on by the Company by way of extension of or in connec琀椀on with any such business
as aforesaid or is calculated directly or indirectly to develop any branch of the Company’s business or to
increase the value of or in turn to account any of the Company’s assets, property or rights.
To enforce, observe, comply with, and procure enforcement, observance and compliance by its members and
others with the rules, regula琀椀ons and prac琀椀ces of the Football Associa琀椀on for the 琀椀me being in force..
4. Except as hereina昀琀er provided, the income and property of the Company shall be applied solely towards the
promo琀椀on of its objects as set forth in this Memorandum of Associa琀椀on and no por琀椀on thereof (except such
income as derives from Commercial Agreements as de昀椀ned in Ar琀椀cle 6 of the Company’s Ar琀椀cles of
Associa琀椀on or from grants, awards, gi昀琀s or dona琀椀ons as the Company may determine to pay as referred
to under clause 3 (E) hereof) shall be paid or transferred, directly or indirectly, by way of bonus or otherwise
howsoever, to members of the Company PROVIDED that nothing herein shall prevent any payment in
good faith by the Company: