Strengthening our infrastructure
On the road to Brighton…
12,000 feet up in the sky
The King’s paediatric neurosurgery unit has launched
a fundraising campaign to raise £3m to improve
paediatric neurosurgical and therapy interventions
at King’s. In October 2021, the team kickstarted their
fundraising by cycling from London to Brighton. They
collectively covered 720 miles and raised almost £3,000
– and they are already planning their next challenge.
Eleanor Troth was determined to show her gratitude
towards the amazing staff who cared for her mother,
Lisa, after she was placed in a medically induced
coma following a serious head injury. Unfortunately,
COVID-19 restrictions prevented Eleanor and her family
from visiting but staff were able to keep the lines of
communication open by using the ward’s electronic
tablets, funded by the Charity. “We believe the reason
she woke up and came back to us was because we
had that opportunity to speak to her,” says Eleanor. In
April, she celebrated her mum’s amazing recovery by
skydiving over 12,000 feet and raising over £500!
To the top of world!
Cycling here, there and everywhere…
Ben Collins and his family raised more than £4,000 for
us by taking on an epic cycling challenge. Ben’s dad,
Martin, spent sixteen weeks in the PRUH after having a
stroke in 2019. In April 2021, the family marked the
first anniversary of Martin’s discharge by
collectively cycling 1,000km, with Martin
on a special Motomed bike to enable him
to take part.
Lucy and Jack wanted to give something back to the
King’s critical care unit that saved their sister-in-law’s
life. After thirty-two days in critical care and a further
twenty-two days on a ward, Somaa was discharged
home. Inspired by King’s, and Harefield Hospital’s,
extraordinary commitment to their family, Lucy and
Jack decided to clock up their kilometres for both
Hospital charities by climbing Mount Kilimanjaro and
raising over £6,000. Lucy says, “Without King’s and
Harefield Hospital, my one-year-old niece would not
have her mummy at home with her today.”
K I N G’ S CO L L E G E H O S P I TA L C H A R I T Y A N N UA L R E P O R T A N D F I N A N C I A L S TAT E M E N T S 2 0 2 1 / 2 2