Strengthening our infrastructure
For all those with seriously ill
children in King’s care
Over the last year, we have been working in
partnership with the Trust to develop plans
to improve facilities for parents who need a
comfortable space close to their seriously ill
child. Thanks to our supporters, we have raised
over £100,000 to transform the parents’ rooms
and other family facilities at King’s, with work
scheduled to take place in 2022-23.
Beautiful butterfly, Dhvani
When she was seven weeks’ old, baby Dhvani spent
eleven weeks in the paediatric intensive care unit at
King’s, where she was treated for acute liver failure.
Tragically, following multiple complications, Dhvani
sadly passed away in October 2021.
The Elena Effect
Elena Betts was a fun-loving little girl with an infectious
smile. During her short but happy life, Elena, pictured
above, spent a total of eight months as an inpatient at
Born with a rare genetic condition, Elena’s digestive
system did not develop properly. She was given two
multi-organ transplants at King’s that enabled her to live
a full and active life at home for two years. Unfortunately,
organ rejection and the associated anti-rejection
medicine left her vulnerable to infection. Sadly, she
passed away in December 2019, aged just three.
Hoping to raise awareness for organ donation and
fundraise for the high-dependency and paediatric
intensive care units at King’s, Elena’s parents, Mel
and Dan, launched the Elena Effect to celebrate their
daughter’s positive outlook on life. “We want to help
create a private space for families who find themselves
in this terrible situation and ensure that they have
somewhere comfortable to sit, eat and rest just five
minutes away from their child’s bedside,” says Dan.
During her short life, Dhvani touched the hearts of
everyone at King’s. Over the last year, in memory
of their 'beautiful butterfly', her parents Niten and
Reshma's have raised over £30,000 with family and
friends to make the best care possible for other children
with acute liver failure.
“The care, treatment, affection and faith that the team
at King’s gave Dhvani was remarkable,” they said.
“No words will ever be enough to convey how thankful
we are.”
Ward manager Sophie Wickham sharing parent
feedback to inform plans
for refurbishing the
parents' room on
Over the last year, the Welton Pantomime Group
raised £6,079 from their Snow White pantomime and
fundraising ball, Mel took on the Lincoln 10K in the
driving October rain, and Elena’s uncle completed a
half marathon in her memory. Together, they have
raised over £27,000 for King’s in 2021/22.
“King’s will always hold a very special place in our hearts,”
adds Mel. “Not only for the incredible care that Elena
received but for the care that we received as a family.”
K I N G’ S CO L L E G E H O S P I TA L C H A R I T Y A N N UA L R E P O R T A N D F I N A N C I A L S TAT E M E N T S 2 0 2 1 / 2 2