Supporting staff in providing high quality care
on staff welfare,
to extend the bereavement service
on small grants to improve wellbeing
to improve access to work experience (see p14)
Staff celebrating the
launch of the new permanent
wellbeing hub at Denmark Hill.
Making space for staff wellbeing
The wellbeing hub survey
During the pandemic, the temporary wellbeing hub was
a welcoming area where staff could seek respite. It was
evident that the hub was an essential space for all staff
and so we were committed to making sure it became
a permanent fixture at King’s.
In the first week, the new wellbeing hub had
an average footfall of over 1,200 every day.
Of the staff surveyed;
● Over 97% said they visited the wellbeing hub
regularly, with 77% of those saying they visited
it daily;
● More than half said they used the space to
relax and connect with colleagues, whilst the
remaining 46% used the space to seek help,
unwind and de-stress;
● 100% said that they felt less stressed, their
mental wellbeing had improved, and they were
able to find help when they needed it; and
● 100% of staff surveyed said that the wellbeing
hub was an essential resource.
We are immensely proud to announce that the new
wellbeing hub in King’s College Hospital officially
opened on 3rd May 2022. In 2020/21, in addition to our
own funding, we secured £50,000 from NHS Charities
Together and £100,000 from the Monday Charitable
Trust to complete the new space, which is a calm and
relaxing area away from the wards.
The hub has a kitchenette and coffee machines, as well
as soft lighting and comfortable furniture that can be
reconfigured for various group sizes and activities, such
as yoga and meditation classes.
The hub provides respite from the pressures of work,
promoting relaxation and self-care. It is supported by
volunteers and, thanks to our funding, is being run by
a health and wellbeing team leader and two wellbeing
facilitators. Should staff wish to seek help mental
health and wellbeing support, the psychology team
is also on hand.
This holistic approach ensures that members of
staff have a comfortable space to unwind in, as well
as immediate access to coordinated emotional and
psychological support.
I cannot praise the health and wellbeing
facilitators highly enough in terms of providing
psychological first aid to NHS staff. Recently,
I was struggling to deal with the after effects of
a long and difficult shift in the maternity unit. It
was so helpful to be able to talk things through
and really feel that you are being listened to.
It made a huge difference to me and helped me
to process ‘another difficult shift’.
“I have worked here for over twenty years,
so I think I have enough experience to say the
health and wellbeing team are truly invaluable.
Ghislaine Bowden, Midwife and Clinical Skills
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