EMBED - GLO, USA,UK, GER, DK, FR, SE example page - Deeper Blue - Report - Page 23
The survey results demonstrate a desire to look at events differently
by improving the lasting impact of an event, and sustain audiences for
the longer-term.
Our strong belief is that these goals can be realised without any
impact on industry compliance and regulatory standards.
So, where would our focus be placed?
BETTER PLANNING: establishing clear and measurable
outcomes from the start
MORE INSIGHT: knowing your audiences and how best
to connect and engage them
DIFFERENTIATION: embracing creative solutions and
technology to stand out and be memorable
LONG-TERM: deliver sustained delegate engagement
through live and digital experiences
IMPACT: consistent measurement that helps shape
your future plans
Naturally, we recognise that compliance will always be at the forefront
of pharma events but this cannot be an excuse for progress.
Redefining the experience of your live events may not represent your
highest corporate priority in 2018. But there is clear dissatisfaction
with the current situation, and a ground swell of opinion from fellow
Event Planners that ‘we could do better’.
We’d like to help you take the first steps.
We have often found that for too long, live experiences
have been a ‘flash in the pan’: transient moments that
soon fade and are forgotten. Our approach to events looks
at engaging your audiences for the long-term, based on
thorough insight and measurable outcomes.
Deeper Blue brings significant experience from multiple
industry sectors, where we have a proven track record of
blending live and digital solutions that have redefined the
events landscape and re-asserted the extraordinary impact
brilliant events can make.
If you have comments about our survey results – we would
welcome your feedback. Email or call us:
Laurence Croneen
07831 600433
Jeremy Garbett
07831 097285
Emma Newman-Young
07810 300703