EMBED - GLO, USA,UK, GER, DK, ES, SEexample page - Alkaline living - Flipbook - Page 24
If you know one evening that you have burdened your precious alkaline
body with too much acid, then use the baking soda trick. But remember
that you aren’t “authentically alkaline” before you can pass the pH test
without help from dietary supplements.
How to use this book
In the following chapters we’ll start looking into how adjustment of your diet,
exercise, thoughts and life-style can lead to a more healthy, attractive and
alkaline body. At the conclusion of each chapter, you’ll receive three tips:
One for days or weeks where you are very busy
One for periods where you have more time
One for when you are ready to go “all in”
Alkaline Living isn’t an all-or-nothing lifestyle. Simply choose the advice
that suits you here and now, and add more only when you are ready for it.
So why not start right away:
Get started with alkaline …
If you’re short of time, then prioritise by drinking more water
(minimum two litres), take a brisk walk, and go to bed no later than
10.30 – every day.
If you’ve got time to spare, then apart from water drink a large glass
of vegetable juice or a smoothie – and as far as possible avoid stress.
The best of course would be to quickly flip through this book to get
an overview, then empty your shelves of all prefabricated foods and acid
forming drinks, draw up a plan for your new alkaline life and immediately
start putting it into action.