EMBED - GLO, USA,UK, GER, DK, ES, SEexample page - Alkaline living - Flipbook - Page 21
Urine test
Preferably every morning or 1-2 times a week.
Urinate on a strip first thing in the morning. After 4 AM but before you eat
or drink anything. Compare the colour of the strip with the colour scale on
the litmus roll.
The result:
The urine test shows how much acid you excreted that morning. Either it
was acid from the previous day or – if you’ve kept your life alkaline – acid
which has been stored in the body’s tissue. In due time your pH value ought
to measure 7+ or better still 7.32. But don’t despair, if the strip still shows
you to be excreting acid in weeks or months after you’ve begun your alkaline eating and living. You are now cleaning out old accumulated acid. And
the acidic strip merely confirms that your new alkaline lifestyle is working.
When the strip eventually shows 7+ several days in a row, with the aid of
for instance dietary supplements (see page 23), you can celebrate that
you have now achieved a body beautifully balanced to pH perfection!
Saliva test
Preferably once or twice a week.
Put a pH strip in your mouth, make it wet and compare its colour with the
colour scale on the roll. Keep in mind that the pH value in saliva varies far
less than in urine.
The result:
The pH value in your morning saliva indicates the amount of alkaline minerals and salts your body has stored up to draw on.