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Our body is designed to keep us healthy and vigorous all life through – with
efficient cleansing organs, soft and elastic skin and a firm, well-shaped
body, clear eyes and an alert mind. So why are we overweight, in pain, tired
and have diseases? Because the water surrounding our tissue has a pH value
that’s too low!
Facts about cancer
Cancer is an acidic process
Cancer cells love sugar
Oxygen is a drug against cancer
Cancer doesn‘t do well in an alkaline environment
Any good health measure is an anti cancer measure
Source: The truth about cancer, Ty Bollinger
How to measure pH
pH value is a term from the world of chemistry, a tool for measuring the acidity
(solution of acid) in a liquid. The scale goes from 0 to 14, where 7 is neutral. If
the pH value is below 7, your body is acidic – and if above, it’s alkaline.
This is where it gets a bit technical, but stay with me, because it’s of great
significance. The pH scale is what’s known as a logarithmic scale, meaning
that for every number on the scale, the value increases tenfold. Hence, a pH
of 6 is ten times as acidic as a pH of 7 – and one hundred times as acidic as
a pH of 8.
The more acidic a food or beverage is the more alkalinity is needed to
neutralise it. For instance, the pH value of Coca-Cola is 2.8. It therefore
generates 10,000 times more acid than neutral spring water, which has a
pH value of ca. 7.