Introducing Christensen Law - Flipbook - Page 10
“I made a list of every harm, every injury, every damage … and put a
suggested value of that injury,” he said. “Then I had suggested figures for the
past and the future.”
“The theory is that every harm must be compensated. That’s the law. And I
went down the list and that happened to be what it added up to… because
she was hurt so badly. I don’t think any one of these I asked for was
inappropriate, or too large, or exaggerated.”
Christensen said that the jury awarded the plaintiff virtually everything he
asked for. He said that after the verdict was delivered and the jury was
released, four of the seven jurors met with Dorado, with tears streaming from
their faces.
“We completely misunderstood what we were seeing going on in the jury
box,” he said. “They were involved — but you never know.”
trial exhibit detailing relative scale of vehicles
Type of action: Third-party auto negligence
Name of case: Dorado v. McCoig Concrete Company
Type of injuries: Traumatic brain injury, spinal injuries necessitating three
fusion surgeries, sacro-iliac joint fusion, torn shoulder, severe migraines,
post-traumatic stress disorder
Court/Case No: Wayne County Circuit Court; 13-015059-NI
Date: June 11, 2014
Tried before: Jury
Judge: Brian R. Sullivan
Demand: $1.5 million
Highest offer: $900,000
Verdict: $1,508,434 in economic damages plus $16,302,000 in
noneconomic damages