FESE HandBook v03c 15112023 MEV- COMPLETO - Flipbook - Página 46
distinctively different from the English original. This paper is being
translated, and you will read it in a different language. I have been
liaising with a colleague from the educational sector in Spain to try
to help me understand contextual issues and to facilitate the translation of my ideas as closely as possible to my meaning5.
So, what is the rationale for my choices?
This term relates to starting with the end in mind – what you hope
young people will take with them into the world. An outcome is the
result or consequence of action. For many years researchers have studied cognitive and non-cognitive outcomes e.g., reading, behaviour, etc.
More recently, the word 8learning9 has appeared before outcomes. It usually still means the same subject-oriented outcomes. In thinking more
deeply about preparing students for their future, new terms include
competencies and capabilities. Both ot well in my lexicon for learning
leadership (I use the former here). Business partners, labour organisations and recruitment agencies, however, still frequently use the term
8soft skills9. Learning leaders need to innuence them to change their
language. Attributes that make us human and involve connection with
others are frequently described on work-hunting websites as 8soft9. Some
people argue that we need to be 8softer9 in our relationships with others,
and we do. But 8soft skills9 are often named as such because they are more
difocult to measure, and what gets measured gets valued. Leaders also
exist whose actions shout that being 8soft9 is weak and, indeed, feminine.
Such competencies are critically important and need to be emphasised.
They are underpinned by fundamental values.
Various business websites also highlight problem solving, creativity and adaptivity as 8soft skills9. Such competencies are the lifeblood of
learning organisations, networks and systems; they are also important
for learning and wellbeing (Lucas, 2016). Furthermore, we all need to be
thinking about education for life in its fullest sense, and the importance
of wellbeing and agency to have an impact on not only our own lives but
our community, our world and the planet. It should not just be talking
about preparation for work; everyone should be talking about fundamental – or even 8transformative9 (OECD, 2019a) – competencies. Ad-
5. Research and other publications written in English can be innuential in countries where English is
another language, but it is critical to think carefully about translating the English word, even if you are just
reading something in English (or any language different from your own). Speciocally to this overall topic, it
is important to think about whether your translation of a word ots with the idea of learning leadership.