HRABP - Draft 8 - Flipbook - Page 16
stock has historically been maintained to a good condition with a high level of investment and
meets all current standards.
Annual lettings of Council properties have ranged between 360 to nearly 470 in recent years,
with the Council being the principal provider of affordable homes to rent across the district.
The chart below illustrates the quarterly change in new lettings and the general downward
trend over 2017-18. These can be to new tenants or existing tenants moving to more suitable
alternative accommodation. Between 2013 to 2018 46% of lettings were to existing tenants.
Lettings of housing stock 2013-18
showing new and existing tenant
Right to Buy
The Right to Buy has had an inevitable impact on stock numbers over the years. Between
2010-18 the stock of housing reduced by 105 properties (2.3% of the stock). All but two areas
in the district experienced a reduction in housing stock.
2. Our Tenants
The tenant profile shows:
Gender – a larger number of females than males hold tenancies
Female 60%
Tenant Gender
16 East Suffolk HRA Business Plan 2018 - 2048
Male 40%