HRABP - Draft 8 - Flipbook - Page 14
The east of England has experienced
similar issues to the national picture. The
National Housing Federation reported that
the average cost of a home in the region
was 10 times the average salary making
affordability an issue. Salaries are generally
low with 25% of all Housing Benefit
claimants working. There is a growing and
ageing population in the region, placing
different demands on the housing market.
In the last 5 years there has been a
shortfall of 58,000 homes in the region
against the planning targets set to
meet population demand.
Locally, Waveney district is generally a less
prosperous area than most in the region
with some wards in Lowestoft experiencing
high levels of economic deprivation. The
area has lower than average house prices
and rents but also lower salaries and
levels of employment. There is a strong
demand for housing for sale or rent. This is
primarily in the urban areas but the smaller
rural communities also identify a need for
additional affordable housing. The district
has a growing older population with
increasing need for accessible housing and
housing with support.
The district is attracting inward investment
through the New Anglia LEP and specifically
the Enterprise Zone. The new green energy
sector may have a positive impact on the
growth of the local area which will create
its own pressures on the housing market.
The National Housing Federation reported that the
average cost of a home in the region was 10 times
the average salary making affordability an issue.
14 East Suffolk HRA Business Plan 2018 - 2048