Housing Development Strategy - Report - Page 8
Environmental Sustainability and Development Outputs
Value for Money
We seek to provide a high-quality home that meets the needs of
our tenants. This is a principal that we have adopted over many
years for our existing housing stock that we take a real pride in.
It is always important that we can demonstrate in the early
stages of planning that any development offers value for money.
We will consider the expected ‘life’ of the housing asset and the
likely income and expenditure over that time to achieve value
for money. This is important as it ensures that the HRA remains
a viable budget for the Housing Service within the Council. A
guideline we will follow is a 30-year payback period but we will
always consider other social and economic issues that would
justify an extended payback period such as ensuring superior
quality or environmental sustainability.
We aim to provide housing that is efficient and affordable to
run for the occupants, as well as being easily managed and
maintained by ourselves. We have been aware for many years
of the issues of fuel poverty for our tenants and will continue to
build on the achievements we have made so far in seeking to
improve energy efficiency and reduce tenant costs.