Housing Development Strategy - Report - Page 7
Environmental Sustainability and Development Outputs
Sustainability and Greener Development
Environmental sustainability is essential in the creation of homes and communities in which people
want to live and work. Lowering our carbon footprint will help our tenants save money and deliver
lasting environmental, social and economic benefits.
We recognise that our extensive housing stock and new development have a carbon footprint, and
can have a significant environmental impact through the consumption of energy and water, the use
of transport and materials, and the production of waste. We aim to deliver new development in line
with the principles of our Environmental Policy, and the policies included within the new Local Plans.
We recognise that providing environmentally friendly homes is only part of the solution; we seek to
provide our residents with the right tools to help them understand how to save energy and money.
Sustainability also relates to ensuring that the homes we provide meet a need and we will rely on
evidence to support the building of the right homes regarding mix and tenure in the right locations.
We will consider not only the environmental impact of any new development but also the health and
wellbeing of our tenants who will be living there, together with the positive impact of greener design
on people.
Our Actions
4 - Ensure that
environmental impacts
are taken into account
in all initial feasibility
assessments on potential
development and
redevelopment projects.
5 - Investigate
energy efficient and
sustainable approaches
to development and
consider options to
deliver new housing and
individual remodelling
projects to achieve
carbon neutral or passive
house standards where
practicable and cost
effective to do so.
Initial feasibility assessments will determine the
environmental impact of all potential development
opportunities. The Council seeks to support welldesigned accommodation which conserve natural
resources whilst providing successful residential
developments. The building’s lifecycle from
inception to completion, occupation and beyond will
play a key role in the consideration of development
opportunities ensuring accommodation is both
suitable and sustainable.
The Council seeks to explore the use of greener
building technologies both within the construction
process and finished properties. We strive to
explore innovative design ideas which recognise
the benefit of Passive House principles and the
value of carbon neutral design. The specification
of our developments will focus on the benefits of
natural light and ventilation, access to open space
and well considered orientation and outlook.