Housing Development Strategy - Report - Page 5
Associated council strategies
Housing Asset
Homelessness and Rough
Sleeping Strategy
2019 - 2024
2019 - 2024
Our HRA Business Plan
is a key document in
relation to the
development and
redevelopment of
our housing stock. It
considers the financial
viability of investment
in new homes and
the numbers to be
developed as well as
their locations in the
short to medium term.
The Housing Asset
Management Strategy
(HAMS) considers
how our housing
stock is managed and
the programme of
investment linked to the
HRA business plan.
Its primary consideration
is the investment in our
current stock to ensure
our housing assets are
kept to a good standard.
It does also address
new development and
redevelopment of the
housing stock and
is therefore directly
linked to this Housing
Development Strategy.
Enabling Strategy
The Homelessness
and Rough Sleeping
Strategy outlines our
current priorities to
prevent and reduce
homelessness. This
would include actively
encouraging more
affordable homes being
built to house more
The Private Sector
Housing Strategy
focusses on the private
sector in our district
but refers to joint
working with the rest
of the Housing Service
on bringing long term
empty housing into
use again and the
redevelopment of HMOs
in our district which has
been successfully trialled
in Lowestoft.
The Housing
Enabling Strategy
considers the corporate
approach to enable new
development in
East Suffolk.