Housing Development Strategy - Report - Page 19
Ministry of Housing,
Communities and
Local Government
(Formerly DCLG)
UK Government department whose responsibilities include local government and housing
Design Statement
A design statement can be made at a preplanning application stage by a developer, indicating the design principles upon
which a proposal is to be based. It may also be submitted in support of a planning application.
Development is defined under the 1990 Town and Country Planning Act as “the carrying out of building, engineering, mining or
other operation in, on, over or under land, or the making of any material change in the use of any building or other land.” Most
forms of development require planning permission (see also “permitted development”).
Disabled Facilities
Disabled Facilities Grant Grants administered by the Council to help meet the costs of adapting a property
Homes England
(formerly the
Homes and
Agency (HCA)
Homes England is the non-departmental public body that funds new affordable housing in England. It was founded on 1 January
2018 to replace the Homes and Communities Agency (HCA).
A non-profit organization that rents houses and flats to people on low incomes or with particular needs.
Housing Revenue
A ring fenced account held by local authorities funded by rents to provide landlord services
Housing Revenue
Account Self
A system for financing council housing introduced in April 2012 that replaced the Housing Revenue Account subsidy System
Infill development
The development of a relatively small gap between existing buildings with new housing.
Homes for sale and rent provided at a cost above social rent, but below market levels subject to the criteria in the Affordable
Housing definition in the National Planning Policy Framework such as starter homes, discounted market sale housing and
other affordable routes to homeownership (NPPF)
Listed Building
Consent required for the demolition, in whole or in part of a listed building, or for any works of alteration or extension that would
affect the character of the building.