Housing Asset Management Strategy 2019 - 2024 - Report - Page 7
Environmental sustainability
As a Council we have committed through our East Suffolk Business Plan to protect, enhance and make sustainable use of our environment. We
recognise that good asset management and delivery of services to our housing stock can impact on our commitment, and we must therefore
carefully consider our actions.
Low emission vehicles
accompanying fuel usage impact on the
environment. Replacing older vehicles with
lower emission vehicles is a priority and
potential use of fully electric vehicles is actively
being investigated.
As a housing provider East Suffolk Council utilises the services of many specialist contractors for delivery of work programmes such as gas
heating, lift maintenance and asbestos removals. A key evaluation score for the contracts we award considers how the bidder manages their
environmental impact and their plans to reduce their future carbon footprint.
We recognise that consideration must be given to the selection of suitable and sustainable material products within the construction industry
and we intend to work closely with our suppliers to allow use of appropriate materials wherever possible. Additionally we must consider waste
generated through our activities and we currently recycle waste products wherever practical to do so, such as concrete, plastics, metal and paper.
During late 2019 we will be inviting bids for a new waste removal contract, the award of which will have a high emphasis placed upon the
recycling abilities of the bidders and any carbon reduction initiatives offered.
We will consider options to deliver new housing and individual remodelling projects to achieve carbon neutral or passivhaus standards where
practicable and cost effective to do so.