Housing Asset Management Strategy 2019 - 2024 - Report - Page 4
Corporate Strategies
This Housing Asset Management Strategy (HAMS) links closely with other related business plans and strategies, to ensure that there is a
‘golden thread’ from the East Suffolk Business Plan to ensure a cohesive and coordinated approach to the Council’s service delivery.
The Strategy reviews the historic approach to our housing stock, recognising the achievements we have already delivered and sets out our
aspirations over the next 5 years, recognising that these assets are our tenants’ homes as well as bricks and mortar.
East Suffolk Business Plan
This corporate plan was adopted by
the two former councils in 2015. It set
out the Vision for East Suffolk (as the
largest district council in England
by population) and the adoption of
the three current themes: Enabling
Communities; promoting Economic
Growth; and becoming Financially
Self Sufficient.
East Suffolk HRA Business Plan
This is the prime document that links
with this strategy setting out planned
investment in the housing stock over
the next 30 years and and providing
detailed analysis of the current
position of our housing assets.
East Suffolk Housing Strategy
The strategy sets out the amobitions
and priorities for the housing service
from 2017 to 2023 and addresses a
range of issues relating to the Council’s
own housing stock.