Food and Health & Safety Service Plan 2024-25 - Flipbook - Page 71
Appendix 12
Key liaison organisations, including:
- Food and Safety Team
government departments, agencies and public bodies
operational and service delivery organisations
other organisations and working groups.
- Sufolk Coastal Port Health Authority
- Corporate Health and Safety Team
Animal and Plant Health Agency
Anglian Water
Associated British Ports
Border and Protocol Delivery Group
Border Force
BSI 3 British Standard Institute
Business Associations
Cabinet Oïce
Campden BRI
Care Quality Commission
Chambers of Trade and Commerce
Chartered Institute of Environmental Health
CEFAS - Centre for Environment, Fisheries and Aquaculture Services
Commercial bodies, traders (imports / agents), liaison groups, trade bodies
Courts and Tribunals Judiciary (including Coroner and Coroner9s Oïce)
DEFRA Imports and Exports Division
DEFRA International Trade Division
Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy
East of England Ambulance Service NHS Trust
East of England Health Protection Team, part of the UK Health Security Agency
Eastern Region Corporate Health and Safety Group
East Sufolk Council9s Corporate Teams e.g. HR, onance legal services, licensing,
planning and building control
Environment Agency
EU Exit Readiness Teams
Fire and Rescue Service
Food and Environmental Research Agency
Food Standards Agency
Food Standards Agency Import and Export Division
Food Standards Agency Contaminants Division
Food, Water and Environmental Microbiology Services, part of the UK Health Security Agency