Food and Health & Safety Service Plan 2024-25 - Flipbook - Page 68
Appendix 9
Food Sampling Policy - Food and Safety Team.
This food sampling policy is made available to businesses and consumers in accordance with the Food Law
Code of Practice. We recognise the contribution sampling can make to the protection of public health and food
law enforcement functions. We are committed to providing the resources necessary to carry out a sampling
programme. Trained Authorised Oïcers are responsible for undertaking our food sampling functions and we
have a food sampling programme for microbiological and algal toxin purposes. Food sampling is prioritised to
concentrate upon one or more of the following criteria:
" foods which are produced within East Sufolk
" the risk ratings of the premises
" any local, regional or national coordinated sampling studies
" shellosh classiocation and algal toxin monitoring.
The majority of samples taken are for the purpose of monitoring, surveillance and intelligence gathering. Samples
may be formal, informal or both according to circumstances. They are taken in compliance with the relevant Code
of Practice and consideration of our Compliance and Enforcement Policy. Oïcial laboratories as designated by
the FSA are used for samples obtained during the sampling programme.
The UKHSA laboratory, London, the Council9s Public Analyst(s), CEFAS laboratories at Lowestoft and Weymouth
and other accredited laboratories are used for the analysis of samples.
The FSA funds sampling credits used for the analysis of food samples submitted to the Food, Water &
Environmental Microbiology Laboratory (UKHSA), London. Algal toxin examinations are carried out by CEFAS are
carried out at no charge to the local authority. The local authority has a budget to fund the analysis of shellosh
classiocation samples as this is not funded by the FSA.
Samples may be taken during manufacturing/production processes, for the purposes of ensuring food safety
and for ensuring the efectiveness of the critical controls in the process. Sampling may include swabs taken from
surfaces where they are sent to an oïcial control/accredited laboratory. The food business operator will be
notioed of the result of any such sample analysis or examination.
We do not currently act as the Primary Authority for any food business, but we act as the home authority for
businesses where the relevant decision-making base of an enterprise is located within East Sufolk9s area. Where
sampling identioes a problem with food manufactured outside the districts, the relevant primary, home or
originating authority will be notioed, and a copy of the certiocate of analysis or examination forwarded to them.
Food sampling will not normally be undertaken as a constituent part of a food safety intervention. It may
take place if, during the intervention, the authorised oïcer identioes a particular problem that needs further
Samples of food received as a food complaint may require microbiological examination, chemical analysis or
expert identiocation.
Where a particular premises or food produced in the District is implicated with a case or cases of food borne
disease, food samples may be taken and submitted for examination, for the purpose of identifying any likely
source of infection and controlling any risk to public health.
Food samples may be taken and submitted as part of a special investigation e.g., in response to a food hazard
warning, or to other intelligence received about potential food safety issues.
The sampling of shellosh and river water in commercial shellosh production areas is conducted in coordination
with the FSA and CEFAS for the purpose of maintaining the necessary classiocations for those areas and for
monitoring the risk of algal toxins. Shellosh and river water is sampled from shellosh beds and their associated
depuration plants.
East Suffolk Food and Health & Safety Service Plan 2023/24