Food and Health & Safety Service Plan 2024-25 - Flipbook - Page 44
4.2 Stafong Allocation
Food and Health & Safety
Competent oïcers are authorised according to the ondings of competency
assessments based on qualiocations, technical knowledge and regulatory experience.
Food competencies are assessed in accordance with the FSA9s Food Law Code of
Practice and Practice Guidance and the Competency Framework.
Our team9s current regulatory allocated full time equivalent (FTE)
staïng resources are:
Food Safety enforcement work:
Food Safety - 8 FTE
Health and Safety - 1.9 FTE
Technical Support - 2 FTE
Suffolk Coastal Port Health Authority
Sufolk Coastal Port Health Authority (SCPHA) currently employs 134 team members as
outlined in appendix 3.
Overseen by the Compliance Manager, the Technical Leads for products of non-animal
origin (NAO) are SCPHA9s nominated Lead Food Oïcers, while the Technical Lead for
products of animal origin (POAO) is the Senior Oïcial Veterinary Surgeon.
Technical Leads, Oïcial Veterinary Surgeons (OVSs) and Port Health Oïcers (PHOs)
must be suïciently qualioed and authorised according to the Food Law Code of Practice
(FLCoP) as key operational decisionmakers. The FLCoP also permits more limited
decision-making responsibilities for Authorised Oïcers (AO) following training and
competency assessments, however SCPHA aims to reserve such duties for the most
qualioed and experienced team members.
Corporate Health and Safety
The Corporate Health and Safety Team is managed by the Health and Safety
Manager and comprises:
Health and Safety Manager (0.4 FTE)
Health and Safety Advisors (1.5 FTE)
Health and Safety Oïcer - Housing Maintenance (1 FTE)
Health and Safety Oïcer/Trainer - Port Health (0.5 FTE)
The total staïng allocation is 3.4 FTE.
East Suffolk Food and Health & Safety Service Plan 2023/24