Food and Health & Safety Service Plan 2024-25 - Flipbook - Page 39
3.9 Liaison with Other Organisations
The Service has wide engagement with third parties, both for regulatory purposes and to
provide services in order to deliver regulatory requirements. Appendix 12 maps key liaison
Food and Health & Safety
The Food and Safety Team is represented at the Sufolk Food Liaison Group, which has
links to regional and national food groups to help achieve consistency.
The team participates in Food Standards Agency (FSA) - Food Hygiene Rating Scheme
national consistency exercises.
We are also represented on the South-East Shellosh Liaison Group. This group shares
information and ensures a coordinated approach by its members that include industry
representatives, local authorities, FSA, CEFAS and the Environment Agency.
The team is represented at the Norfolk and Sufolk Health and Safety Liaison Group
(NSHSLG), which benchmarks the LAE1 intervention return for the Norfolk and Sufolk
authorities on an annual basis.
We have representation and attend national meetings with HSE and liaises with the
regional representative on HELA Practitioners Forum.
Wherever possible, our teams train and work together to provide an eïcient and efective
service. Here, oïcers are receiving training to undertake ship sanitation inspections.